Tag: big

It’s BIG! Really BIG!

It’s BIG! Really BIG! For the past several weeks here at Prepper Broadcasting we have been waiting patiently for not just any show but the right show to come along and fill Thursday nights where we have been broadcasting the “Best of” series. Then it happens, we found a show that will knock your socks…
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October 29, 2017 0

Prepper Pride shines through in Triumph! Everyday people on to something big, really big, Monumental Even!

It’s a Miracle!  It’s a Miracle! Quietly and without fanfare last Friday slipped away and the world rocked on.  Not such a miracle really but a testament to the lives we live and the incredible planet we inhabit.  While the following things are true; #1 the end of the year is drawing near; #2 we…
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December 26, 2012 0