Building the Baddest Bug-out Bicycle!

Building the Baddest Bug-out Bicycle! Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! The bicycle is a child’s first form of tangible freedom. It is a rite of passage and allows the young boy or girl a sense of approval from parents to be adventurous, self-reliant and brave. That first successful sendoff is a bittersweet…
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August 13, 2018 1

Electrifying developments in bicycling!

Electrifying developments in bicycling! Bob Howkins “APN Report” Audio in player below! Throughout the bicycle industry two trends have created a bright future in bicycle development, an aging customer base, and the rise in popularity of electric powered vehicles. In some ways, both are joined at the hip. With more people re-discovering their health by…
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January 13, 2017 0

Alternative Transportation!

Alternative Transportation Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Listen in player below! Being prepared in this day & age means more than preparing your habitat for crisis, it also means prepping your mobility. Our entire lives revolve around the automobile, our towns & cities accommodate it, or livelihood depends upon mobility, even the food we eat…
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December 18, 2016 0