Tag: Benefits

Sharing the Rewards of a Community Garden!

I wanted to update you on our community garden. We are in the thralls of our first growing season and there have been plenty of challenges. Still for our small amount of space we were able to garner some quality vegetables and I am sure we will continue to grow. From this experience I have…
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August 9, 2013 0

Herbalist Susun Weed returns to The Other Side of a Preppers Path!

As we prepare we often think of the scenario where the end of the world as we know it is the norm, meaning that all we take for granted now is no more. But preparing for life isn’t just about the future catastrophe it’s about right now, today right this minute.  Finances are an issue…
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February 24, 2013 0

Doomsday prediction falls short Preppers stay the course!

It’s a Miracle!  It’s a Miracle!  Tis true the end of the year is drawing nigh, we totally dodged the bullet on Friday the 21st, and my prediction was upheld we are all still here. But what does that mean for the prepper world?  Do we stop, throw our hands up and sigh..geez not another…
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December 24, 2012 0

Reflection! An incredible tool often over looked by the prepper.

Mirror, mirror on the wall: We’ve been through it all; tell me now tell me now… Reflection!  An incredible tool often over looked by the prepper.  In the wake of Sandy what part does reflection play , not only for those directly in the path but the rest of us.  What can we change?  Bubble,…
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November 5, 2012 0