Tag: beekeeper

Interview with Karen Lynn “Lil’ surban Homestead”

Interview with Karen Lynn “Li’l Suburban Homestead” Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” This episode, we are talking with Karen Lynn Thompson and her husband, “The Viking”, from Li’l Suburban Homestead. Homesteader, beekeeper, and fellow Prepper Broadcasting podcaster, Karen Lynn is owner of Lil’ Suburban Homestead and has been featured on Scratch Magazine, Prepare Magazine, just…
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January 25, 2015 0

Winter Care For The Bees!

Winter Care For The Bees. A Tale of 2 Beekeepers  Host: KarenLynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Karen Lynn of Lil’ Suburban Homestead joins you this week interviewing her two favorite beekeepers Troy Marino aka Farmer Tito and Bee Bayou and her husband The “Viking” in her life and page owner of Help The Beez Pleez to talk…
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December 2, 2014 0

African Bees and the March Against Monsanto

African Bees and the March Against Monsanto Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” This weeks show is a lot of fun! We continue on with Bees, and talk a bit about the March against Monsanto. May 24th 2014 is a day for all of the people to put aside politics, and come together around food. No…
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May 12, 2014 0

The virtues of raising honey bees!

The Top Bar coming your way 1/27/13.  It’s a (BYOB) Bring your own bottle affair because we are talking about that sweet elixir HONEY! That’s right Christy Hemenway of Gold Star Honey Bees joins the Other Side of A Preppers Path once again to talk about the virtues of raising honey bees and answer your questions.…
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January 27, 2013 0

Outside the box for Successful Preppers!

Outside the box! Successful Preppers always think outside the box! Join the Other Side of a Preppers Path this show accomplished beekeeper, teacher and author Christy Hemenway shares Bee Keeping outside the box! You’d love bees and honey but isn’t commercial bee keeping expensive and tough to learn? No worries let Christy help you out of the…
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August 1, 2012 0