Tag: Battlefield America

Battlefield America 8 The rules of the game

Battlefield America 8 The rules of the game! Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! On this episode of Behind the Lines, we will begin a probe of the tactics used by those antagonistic toward a conservative political philosophy. This examination centers upon specific teachings and reading material used by those fanning…
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July 10, 2018 0

Battlefield America 7 P.P.W.S. Pt 2

Battlefield America 7 P.P.W.S. Pt 2 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! For the twelfth broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the examination of reading material used in the college classroom. The focus will remain upon how this material shapes the thinking of specific portions of the student body. We…
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July 3, 2018 0

Battlefield America Part 3

Battlefield America Part 3 Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below For this eighth broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the examination of the ‘combatants’ while reviewing a specific portion of the battlefield – academia. A short synopsis of preceding broadcasts will lead into how the ‘pro-state’ viewpoint entrenches itself within…
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June 5, 2018 0