Tag: bartering

Community Rules for Preppers and Survivalists!

Community Rules for Preppers and Survivalists James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player provided! The community is our greatest ally. It’s not our bugout bag, our network of government moles or even our high-powered arsenal. All the information in the world cannot help you if it all comes crashing down.  When you look at real…
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June 22, 2017 0

Bartering, Then and Now!

Bartering, Then and Now! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! On this special episode of I Am Liberty we talk about taking advantage of the barter economy that is alive and well out there. Dare I say it could even be growing. We are in the most entrepreneurial time in history. Everyone is…
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April 13, 2017 0

Bartering history and present day!

Bartering history and present day! James Walton “I Am Liberty” The history of bartering dates all the way back to 6000 BC. Introduced by Mesopotamia tribes, bartering was adopted by Phoenicians. Phoenicians bartered goods to those located in various other cities across oceans. Babylonian’s also developed an improved bartering system. Goods were exchanged for food, tea,…
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September 25, 2015 0

Being prepared when the stuff hits the fan!

When the stuff hits the fan, either for the not so long term or when the end is not in sight, all the goods we have stored will eventually run out. For many, this time will come much sooner than for others who have made at least some preparations. A lot of things can simply…
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August 10, 2013 0

Bartering and what you should have!

This week’s broadcast of “The Lost Art of Prepping” our host will be discussing Bartering and what you should have in your preps that will help you and your family live a little better during the rough times. Also we will discuss how we could set up a pre-event bartering system for all preppers to…
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September 5, 2012 1

Get “Back to Basics” For Smart, Effective Preparedness!

On this episode of  Off Grid Preppers, Big John and Barbara will talk “back to basics”–prepping smart on a no frills budget that will help you get ready faster with fewer mistakes. We also discussed bartering; what skills will be in demand and what items will be worth their weight in gold during a crisis…
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August 21, 2012 1