Tag: ballistics

Ballistics Ammunition Edition!

Ballistics Ammunition Edition part 2! Dane D. “The Gunmetal Armory” Audio player provided On the Gunmetal Armory, we are gonna talk ammo again. Its the Gunmetal Armory Ammunition Edition part 2. Product Pick of the week will once again start this show. We will discuss the Second Amendment and any relevant news regarding the Second…
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November 2, 2018 0

Weapons Technology!

Weapons Technology Dirty Lew & Highlander “Tech Prep” On this episode we will talk about various weapons technology, and the history and uses of weapons in modern day life. Learn about sighting systems, various bullet technology and how weapons have made us safer and made life LESS dangerous. We will talk about why most people today need a…
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June 13, 2015 0

Do I stay or do I bug out when the SHTF?

Many Preppers ask themselves the question of, Do I stay or do I bug out when the SHTF? As we have just seen with Hurricane Sandy, sometimes there is no choice.  There are some things such as natural disasters and accidents which can come upon us all of a sudden and we are for a…
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November 16, 2012 0

A special guest on ballistics operations and training.

Join Debbie of “Common Sense Prepping” on this broadcast for a common sense talk on ballistics operations and training.  Debs guest is an experienced weapons expert who has a knack for helping new preppers,  get over the fear of powerful weapons.  Debs guest will be able to answer many questions that might be on your…
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October 26, 2012 0