Tag: Backyard

Backyard, Long Term Food Storage!

Backyard, Long Term Food Storage! Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Did You Know You Can Plan For Long Term Food Storage Right In Your Own Backyard? Make sure to mark your calendars this week Karen Lynn has the good pleasure of interviewing Jared Stanley of J&J Acres and Permasapien….the two go hand in hand. …
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February 23, 2015 1

Backyard Food Production part 2!

Backyard Food Production part 2 Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” This podcast is a Part 2 from an older podcast that Sam Coffman did with Marjory Wildcraft of Backyard Food Production. This has no longer been available on the web, and Sam wanted to get it back up online because it has a lot…
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March 4, 2014 0