Tag: Australia

The Austramerican (Australian) West

The Austramerican (Australian) West on “They Were Preppers“ By John Greemway Reading By: Doug aka GoatHollow To go into the Australian West is to go into the past. Yet wherever you go, however remote in distance or in time, America and its own West intrudes. A year ago I went to the edge of the Old…
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December 18, 2013 0

Tips from Australia and New Zealand on gardening!

It’s 5:00 somewhere as the country music song goes!!!  It’s also Spring in Australia and New Zealand.  Join me, and my guest “Hamish121212″ from Youtube on “Prepping with GoatHollow“.  He’s planting his garden right now!  LOL.  He’ll talk about how the climate is different there, and dealing with that.  Give us a little hope for…
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November 14, 2012 0