Tag: attitude

Attitude in Prepping!

Attitude in Prepping! Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Listen in player below! Whats the most important item in your preps? That question has been asked over & over, & answers run the gamut. Water, Food, Shelter, Defense, Mobility, you name it, the list can be endless. However, those in the business of teaching others the…
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November 6, 2016 0

Urban Survival at Home (Bugging In)

Much of the hype around preparedness and urban survival focuses on the concept of the “bug-out” bag and its various incarnations; and why not?  It’s a much simpler concept to wrap one’s head around than all the preparation involved in setting up your home as the spot you intend to stay in a post-disaster or…
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August 25, 2013 0

Being prepared in life is an attitude, and a personal choice. It’s an approach to life.

Tonight 4/24/2013 9pm/Est.  8pm/Ct.  on GoatHollow and the Surreal News Special Guest: “Living ready” Magazine Author: Doug Carlstens You and I know that being one of those people that are now called “Doomsday Preppers”, means that most of society, and especially the main stream media, are going to portray you as being a bit well…………
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April 24, 2013 0