Tag: attacks

Analyzed with Certified Behavior Analyst Christian Sawyer

Analyzed with Certified Behavior Analyst Christian Sawyer James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! As a part 2 to our discussion on mass shootings in this nation we are going to bring on Board Certified Behavior Analyst Christian Sawyer to help us weave through some of the darkness that we are seeing in our…
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March 29, 2018 0

Cyber security, preventing attacks!

Cyber security, preventing attacks! Highlander “Survival and Prep Techs” In the program below we revisit the need for cyber security not only on your devices but in the real world. I discuss what measures we need to take in our everyday lives that we should and must put in place if we want to maintain…
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April 5, 2016 0

Terrorism is it back? Are you ready?

Terrorism is it back? Are you ready? Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Will there come a day when these intermittent attacks by radical Muslims become an everyday occurrence. I grew up in a town where there were 3 cops to every 1000 residents. I am sure in bigger cities that numbers is even smaller.…
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January 16, 2015 0

Invasion America!

 Invasion America Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” We boast as Americans we live in the greatest country in the world. Yet, we as any other country are not immune to being invaded or attacked. History shows this, from the Revolutionary War to September 11. That’s just America. Many countries have experienced attacks on their soil.…
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July 10, 2014 2