Tag: Apocalyptic

What About your Post Apocalyptic Career?

What About your Post Apocalyptic Career? James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! In all actuality a crushing economic downturn or even serious nuclear disaster will not mean the end of commerce. It may not look like it used to but you are still going to want to have value in the world. You…
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October 19, 2017 0

2016: An Apocalyptic Thrill Ride

2016: An Apocalyptic Thrill Ride Host: Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow“ Audio in player below! On this year-end episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, bestselling Author Bobby Akart looks back upon 2016 and the apocalyptic roller coaster ride it provided us all. 2016 provided us one of the most intriguing political elections in our…
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December 30, 2016 0


ECONOMIC COLLAPSE! Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” On this episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart devotes the entire hour to his new release, ECONOMICCOLLAPSE, the third installment in his best-selling Prepping for Tomorrow series. Available in eBook, Audiobook, and Paperback, ECONOMIC COLLAPSE has already

April 29, 2016 0

Sara F. Hathaway “Day After Disaster”

Sara F. Hathaway “Day After Disaster” Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Join me this week as I have the pleasure of interviewing Sara F. Hathaway, author of the post-apocolyptic novel, Day After Disaster, the first installment of the Changing Earth Series. In a field dominated by male authors and male main characters, Sara brings a…
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August 16, 2015 2

Talking Fiction!

Talking Fiction DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Like DJ Cooper, BC Lauer writes post-apocalyptic fiction and is the other Author scheduled to hang out for the Limo Contest Special Guest – BC Lauer – Live Streaming Show This week DJ Cooper has special guest BC Lauer, Author of the political post-apocalyptic fiction novel “I overthrew the…
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August 5, 2015 0

299 Days Apocalyptic Fiction Author

299 Days Apocalyptic Fiction Author on Survival Medicine Hour Host: Dr Bones and Nurse Amy “The Survival Medicine Hour” In this episode of the Doom and Bloom(tm) Survival Medicine Hour interview their friend Glen Tate, author of the popular 299 Days apocalyptic fiction series. We’ll talk about Glen’s journey on the road to preparedness, his life…
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April 28, 2014 0