Tag: Americans

Terror, Americans & Unification

Terror, Americans & Unification James Walton “I Am Liberty” Delivery driver Junead Khan, 25, is said to have planned a terror attack on US soldiers outside military bases in Britain. The prosecution said that, after his arrest last July, detectives discovered he had shared a number of images associated with Islamic State on WhatsApp.

March 5, 2016 0

Preparedness then and now!

Preparedness then and now! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Its been a tough winter. There has been snow like most haven’t seen and there has been cold like we rarely see. That being said there are rumblings within the masses. I am hearing lots of people reevaluating their preparedness situation. Whereas two to three…
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February 20, 2015 0

Business Co-op’s 2014 getting America back to work!

Business Co-op’s 2014 getting America back to work! Host: James “I Am Liberty” The idea behind business cooperatives is not a new one. It’s still very much an interesting one. Don’t be fooled its not just a hippie idea for selling vegetables from farms. I believe the model can be adjusted to create a good…
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January 3, 2014 0

Have we’ve been brain washed?

Have we’ve been brain washed? Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” Lets take a look out of the normal conversations that most American’s have today. Do you believe in today’s world with all the medications and programming that we’ve gotten from school, Hollywood and government? We could have been brain washed without even knowing it…
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November 1, 2013 0

Boston Marathon, Complacency, and then the Bombs, are you prepared yet?

What happened today at the finish of the Boston Marathon while horrific I found was not really much of a surprise. What does surprise me is that something like this has not happened sooner. While the vast majority of Americans have become complacent with their trust in government to thwart another attack such as this…
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April 15, 2013 4

Presidents’ Media Circus…Declaring “Religious Freedom Day” while infringing on our “Rights to Bear Arms”!

How often we hear the term knee jerk reaction today. Once again the colloquialism is alive and well in the halls of government and public hand wringers. Unfortunately, in the wake of another horrendous tragedy rather than cool heads prevailing, knee jerkers abound. As I draft this dissertation, the President’s looming “Package of Concrete Proposals”…
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January 16, 2013 4

Reaching the Preppers, Survivalist, Americans!

We seam to be accomplishing what we strive for here at Prepping Broadcasting, to reach out to everyone we possibly can. To inform and make aware, to make ready and to prepare is what this network is all about. Last night showed us once again that people are listening. Erin with Twisted Radio along with…
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August 26, 2011 0