Tag: American Preppers Network

Tom Martin, founder of the American Preppers Network!

On this episode of the Doom and Bloom Hour, Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones interview Tom Martin, founder of the well-known online preparedness community, the American Preppers Network.   www.AmericanPreppersnetwork.com.  Tom also has given the prepper community the International Preppers Network, The Canadian Preppers Network, our State networks and much more. A truck driver constantly traveling…
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August 4, 2013 0

The Mid-West Self Reliance Expo! on GaltStrike!

Tom, founder of the American Preppers Network and Catman talk with Scott Valencia and Robert from Des Moines Preppers about the Mid-West Self Reliance expo. Learn what’s new and what’s coming for preppers and survivalists alike. The latest news and updates regarding the American Preppers Network will be discussed. Time allowing Tom & Catman of …
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June 13, 2013 1

From the Philippines Tom of American Preppers Network with Paul of Sun Oven!

From the Philippines Tom founder of American Preppers Network, the State prepper networks and many others will have Paul of Sun Oven live, on air as his guest this Thursday 4/11/2013. As you may know, Tom, the host of GaltStrike has been in the Philippines for the past two weeks where he plans to marry on…
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April 10, 2013 1

Independence, Self-Reliance, and Preppers with Tom founder of American Preppers Network from the Philippines!

Galtstrike from the Philippines! Tom, founder of American Preppers Network comes to us live from the Philippines where he is sharing self-reliance and Independence. Taking with him a Sun Oven, water purifier, and a few other items to a remote village in the Philippines, Tom Martin shows the native residence alternative ways of cooking, heating…
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April 4, 2013 0

How well do you know the Preppers network?

How well do you know our network?  How did it all get started, who is responsible and why was it created in the first place?  It may surprise you to know that the Canadian Preppers Network is really an offshoot of the popular American Preppers Network.  This week on The Prepared Canadian, I am proud…
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March 30, 2013 0

Organizing, raising awareness, reaching others and social networking.

Part 2 of organizing.  Tom and Catman of American Preppers Network will discuss ideas on how to organize your own Galtstrike group, raising awareness, reaching others and social networking.” “Ask not what you can do for your country, but what you can do to take back that which your country has stolen from you” Tom and…
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March 14, 2013 0

Tom, founder of American Preppers Network and the “Galt Strike”

The premier of  The Galt Strike Hosts: Tom and Catman   Galt strike, inspired by Ayn Rand’s book Atlas Shrugged and the Character John Galt. Our goal is to teach and share every possible “Legal” method of reducing and eliminating our tax footprints thereby starving the banker oligarchies of the world. The mission, to share…
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February 28, 2013 0

The Blaze and an Interview with one of our own Preppers!

Published today on “The Blaze”, an interview with one of our own from American Preppers Network. Because of my involvement with American Preppers Network as well as American Preppers Radio being an integral part of American Preppers Network you can bet your last dollar I was worried, and concerned on how this interview would be…
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December 19, 2012 0

The original Prepared Canadian!

The Canadian Preppers Network has been up and running for several years now but in the beginning it was a lonely place to visit to say the least. Lack of volunteers and members to the blog and forum made for very little content and because of this, activity from users was non existent. My son,…
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December 9, 2012 0

RedHorse_Ronin = Prepper Poitin

Many of you know RedHorse_Ronin from American Preppers Network for the many informative articles he has posted and more still from this network and the shows he has been a guest on. His education, formally, and in real life experience is obvious. I believe it fair to say you can not read a post from…
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March 23, 2012 0

Prepping is nothing new!

Not real new. Storing, canning food, and self-reliance has been going on for a very, very long time it’s just that up to only a few years ago it was fast becoming a lost practice. Times are changing and in the past few years this dying practice has been resurrected. Prepping is the modern term…
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January 27, 2012 0

Stop takeing what is mine that I have worked so hard for!

These are a couple of replies to an original post on APN titled “The real survivalist”. I hope you will find a few minutes to read these comments and follow the attached link to read original post and all comments. I believe you will come away with a better understanding of what is wrong in…
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January 6, 2012 0

What I have learned and done in my first year prepping

Posted by choctawgreen7 on APN My one year anniversary of prepping is fast approaching and I thought I would throw out some of what I learned as a latecomer to prepper. 1. I am not a kook. My desire to be more or totally self sufficient is not necessarily the rantings of a delusional, anti-social…
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December 31, 2011 0