Tag: American

Prepping for SHTF scenarios with Angry American

Prepping for SHTF scenarios with Angry American Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Listen in player below! Forrest and Kyle are interviewing author Chris Weatherman. Some folks may know Chris by another name though. Angry American. Chris is a successful author with more than a few novels under his belt. His “Going Home” series is a…
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December 10, 2016 0


Simple American Thought! James Walton “I Am Liberty” It’s still possible to live a simple life today. Some of the most recent events in my life have brought me to the conclusion that this is what life is about ‘Simplicity”. This same idea can be grafted into you preparedness. I will talk about that on…
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September 22, 2016 0

Prepper Survivalist or Prepvivalist

I am a Prepper!, although when you get down to brass tacks the name goes very much hand in hand with Survivalist with little difference between the two. So what is the difference? I think for most Preppers it is the stigma that has been attached to the name Survivalist. For many, the term survivalist…
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October 28, 2011 0

Guns! Not meant for everyone!

Gun classes and getting the proper permits is always a good idea. As Preppers and American citizens we also have the right to bear arms. Should this include everyone? As you will see in this ad from Keller’s Riverside store, there are opinions that guns are not meant for everyone.

October 26, 2011 1