Tag: America

When Empires Fail

When Empires Fail on The Surreal News 9/10/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow “The Surreal News” Join us on this incitefull look at what happens when empires fail. We’ll go over what government leaders do, how the “Playbook” is never deviated from. What the motivations are, and how our current American Empire compares. We’ll look at…
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September 10, 2014 0

Invasion America!

 Invasion America Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” We boast as Americans we live in the greatest country in the world. Yet, we as any other country are not immune to being invaded or attacked. History shows this, from the Revolutionary War to September 11. That’s just America. Many countries have experienced attacks on their soil.…
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July 10, 2014 2

Celebrating America and understanding!

Celebrating America and understanding! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” To celebrate the birth of the United States America properly we must make sure that we do so with a combination of history, celebration, hilarity and serious talk about what America is and what it will become if we stay on this set of tracks. It’s…
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July 4, 2014 0

Re-root USA!

Re-root USA! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” When there is as much corruption in the air that its nearly palpable I often breakdown. When we have no idea what our country will look like in 20 years or how our children will make a living it always helps me to go back to the…
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June 27, 2014 0

Memorial Day & dark water ahead!

Memorial Day & dark water ahead! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” There is so much to talk about. Whether it be my concerns, my crazy predictions or my feelings. Of course there are always the facts but what can we talk about on the doorstep of Memorial Day that will not be a regurgitation…
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May 23, 2014 0

When Does Government Become an Invader?

When Does a Government Become an Invader? Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” We get stories in snippets. Information comes to us in partitions. So when I sat back and started to put the pieces together that pertained to the actions of our government. As I write this I am also working on an article…
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April 25, 2014 0

Will America and Canada Fall Together?

Will America and Canada Fall Together? Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” We have all heard plenty about the impending economic collapse.  But how many of us really understand what it means?  Just how does an economy or more specifically, a currency collapse?  How about the Canadian economy more specifically?  Again, we have heard that the…
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March 21, 2014 0

America On the Dole-The Buck Stops Where?

America On the Dole-The Buck Stops Where? Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” America on the Dole! Fact or fiction and just where does the buck stop? Questions we each need to answer, not for the country as a whole but personally. Semantics aside whether you call it on the dole, welfare or…
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January 26, 2014 0

Three things America should know! Part 2

Three things America should know! Part 2 Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” From a young age we are taught a lot of different things in the public school system. As you can tell by the way society is going we have not been given the correct tools to function as a free society. Too…
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January 17, 2014 0

Goodbye 2013 Let’s get to work America!

Goodbye 2013 Let’s get to work America! Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” 2013 will soon come to an end and if we were to look back at this year a lot of things have happened. In politics, world affairs, and the trampling of the United States Constitution here at home. We were on the…
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December 27, 2013 0

Along the Suffrage Trail` From West to East for FREEDOM NOW!

Along the Suffrage Trail` From West to East for FREEDOM NOW! By: Amelia Fry Part of preparedness for most of us has not only been the effort put forth to protect ourselves from unforeseeable events but to also protect ourselves from tyranny, the loss of freedom and liberty. The following article describes a major campaign won…
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November 22, 2013 0

What America doesn’t know won’t hurt her!

What America doesn’t know won’t hurt her! Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” You know when people say, what mama doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Something like ditching class, wearing make-up because she won’t let me, or hanging out with the guys because things always end up happening. Most of us have done something like that…
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November 15, 2013 0

US economy, 10 decisions to make now!

Preparing for the real US economy, 10 decisions to make now! Host: James “I Am Liberty” The shell game goes on as Reid and Mconell have passed a bill to sustain THE BLOB we call a government until February 7th. Fake money will exchange hands and many people will feel good about their country again.…
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October 18, 2013 0