Tag: Amateur radio

American Redoubt Radio!

American Redoubt Radio David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below! When someone new to prepping wants to go beyond the blister-pack walkie-talkies they purchased at Best Buy or some other retail store, they are usually directed to become a ham radio operator. To obtain an FCC amateur radio license that’s the right…
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October 3, 2018 0

Amateur Night at the Dipole!

Amateur Night at the Dipole! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! For this show, we are going to make a lot of ham radio operators mad. I expect to get a lot of flak for this show. In this show, we are going to be discussing amateur radio and why it is and is…
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December 2, 2017 0

Canning to Amateur Radio!

Canning to Amateur Radio Host: Gary and Brenna “The Road Less Traveled Join us for tonight’s outing on “The Road Less Traveled.” On this excursion we’ll continue focusing on some of the intricacies of Prepping from our perspectives with an emphasis on psychological preparedness being quite important to our overall efforts. GGsBoo will discuss pressure…
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February 8, 2014 0

Rabbits and HAM: Food and Commo for the End of the World!

One of the simplest ways to prepare for disaster is to buy and stock up on ready-made foods and gear. There is nothing wrong with this unless it is your only strategy or unless you are only interested in being able to survive for a week or two. However, during any kind of disaster that…
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August 28, 2013 0

Communication in Time of Disaster!

After a disaster how will you communicate? No cell phones! No land lines! You are cut off from the world with no way to find out what’s going on around town, across the state or around the world. Think it couldn’t happen? Well, it did after Katrina, Andrew and other hurricanes and tornadoes like the…
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June 9, 2012 0