Tag: Amateur

Trials and Tribulations of New Amateur Radio

I agonized over the purchase of an Icom 7300 HF transceiver after a few weeks of surfing different Internet sites, reading reviews, checking prices on various sellers’ websites trying to decide which radio to buy, what features I wanted, new or used, prices, etc. For several weeks before that I studied antenna designs and measured…
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December 14, 2018 0

HF Radio Selection for Worldwide Communications!

HF Radio Selection for Worldwide Communications David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below! I was pleasantly surprised recently, when I passed the technician class amateur radio license exam. The Volunteer Examiner told me the FCC would reissue my expired general class license. That means I can legally operate with much higher power…
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October 24, 2018 0

Amateur Night at the Dipole. Pt 2. Safety Dance

Amateur Night at the Dipole. Part 2. Safety Dance Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we will be picking where we left off last week. Last week we covered a hard truth that you do not need a ham radio license to use a radio and having a license does not…
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December 16, 2017 0

Amateur Night at the Dipole!

Amateur Night at the Dipole! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! For this show, we are going to make a lot of ham radio operators mad. I expect to get a lot of flak for this show. In this show, we are going to be discussing amateur radio and why it is and is…
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December 2, 2017 0