Tag: agenda

Fake News on The APN Report

Fake News Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Audio in player below! From the very beginning, there has been controversy concerning the press & it’s apparent bias over how it reports the news. But of late, a new controversy has appeared that throws fuel on the fire. The rise of “Fake News.” Up until the last…
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March 3, 2017 0

Obama a Felonious Miscreant!

Obama a Felonious Miscreant! Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” There has been an issue that has plagued America for many years. It’s been in the forefront of the 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama and his agenda since his election to office in 2008. There are many campaign promises that are still…
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March 9, 2015 1

The Preppers Poitin Hour visits Florida Charter Oaks militia

This week on The Preppers Poitin Hour, I interviewed somebody that walks the walk when it comes to asserting their rights.  Although it is sometimes a controversial issue with the sound bite driven mainstream media influencing the flock and the politicians faithfully bleating to the plutocrat’s script, the militia movement is oft maligned and seldom…
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August 6, 2012 0