Tag: Adaptability

Survival Hacks! on I Am Liberty

Survival Hacks Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! All over the internet people are doing things that are truly noteworthy in the survival realm. Its very interesting to scroll through the numerous websites filled with survival hacks. In a capitalistic society like ours we often forget that there are options outside…
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February 9, 2017 0

Survival Training for the Prepper!

Survival Training for the Prepper! Host Sam Coffman “The Herbal Medic” What does wilderness or urban survival training mean for the prepper? Join Sam Coffman as he explores the basic survival concepts that he feels any prepper must know. Rather than depending on expensive gadgetry, what skills will get you through a rough situation with…
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October 14, 2014 0

Urban Survival at Home (Bugging In)

Much of the hype around preparedness and urban survival focuses on the concept of the “bug-out” bag and its various incarnations; and why not?  It’s a much simpler concept to wrap one’s head around than all the preparation involved in setting up your home as the spot you intend to stay in a post-disaster or…
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August 25, 2013 0