Tag: activism

The rules of the game part 9 Intervention Involvement

The rules of the game part 9 Intervention Involvement Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below On this episode of Behind the Lines rules of the game part 9 Intervention Involvement, the review of ‘Rules for Radicals’ continues. Written by Saul Alinsky, this book explores his ‘activism’ theories and practices in great detail. While…
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September 4, 2018 0

Sovereign citizen? Army and tyranny! Fears and activism!

“The Preppers Poitin Hour” What is a sovereign citizen? We were introduced to their existence by our guests last week so let us pick up the thread and try to learn more about them. Additionally, what constitutes are army that is willing to impose tyranny upon its own people? Some would have us believe that…
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August 13, 2012 0