Tag: A Preppers Path

Being Prepared and how to get there!

Join us with The Reality Survivalist JJ Johnson on The Other Side… A Preppers Path for a pre kick off on preparedness!  National Preparedness Month is coming soon!  Join Lynna and JJ Johnson of realitysurvival.com for a kick off show all about preparedness what is it, how to get there and much more. Being prepared…
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July 14, 2013 1

The Carrington Event on A Preppers Path!

Imagine this very moment, the power goes out. Cell phones disconnect. Radio is static, internet dead. All you have to guide you is your direct observations and people you meet on the streets. No outside news, only rumors, then hysteria. Now imagine weeks pass as essentials—food, gas, medicine—runs out everywhere. You can’t even draw water…
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June 2, 2013 0

Susun Weed renowned herbalist, teacher, joins A Preppers Path to share knowledge!

The wait is over! The Wise Woman returns to The Other Side of a Preppers Path with the 2nd installment of The Herbal Medicine Chest!  Susun Weed renowned herbalist, teacher, author and wise woman will grace the first show of 2013  with the awaited 2nd herb in the chest. In August 2012 Susun absolutely captivated us with…
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January 6, 2013 0

Personal Readiness Education Programs on “A Preppers Path”!

An informative show worth the time to listen to if you missed the original broadcast. Forks in the road, which way do we go now? You are either just beginning the prepper/survival life or you’ve already achieved a level of preparedness and are beyond the basics  but when/what next?  Join Lynna on “The Other Side…A…
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December 23, 2012 0