Tag: A Family Affair

Jordan “JFURG” host of A Family Affair in Desoto Magazine Feature

Our very own Jordan “JFURG” host of A Family Affair is telling the readers of Desoto Magazine its time to GET PREPARED! Jordan is a force of nature and a whirlwind of preparedness. My one piece of advice to anyone who hasn’t met her personally is, ‘dont underestimate her.’ Read the article here at Desoto…
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July 6, 2020 2

Gardening With Emma

“Gardening with Emma” As Parents we hope to be able to teach our children skills that will take them further. Steven Biggs has seem to achieved that on a level that is truly inspiring. He has been able to share his passions with his children and from that he has three amazingly creative children each…
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June 14, 2019 0

Rick Austin- Secret Garden

In this PreRecorded Show, I had the pleasure of speaking with the one and Only Rick Austin, The Secret Gardner. He was written many books and he and his wife have worked as consultants for National Geographic Channel’s show Doomsday Preppers and Doomsday Castle. Mr Austin and his wife for several years put together and…
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April 7, 2019 4

Rick Austin “The Secret Gardener”

In this PreRecorded Show, I had the pleasure of speaking with the one and Only Rick Austin, The Secret Gardner. He was written many books and he and his wife have worked as consultants for National Geographic Channel’s show Doomsday Preppers and Doomsday Castle. Mr Austin and his wife for several years put together and…
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April 7, 2019 0

Lets Talk- Talk Time with A Family Affair

  Lets Talk- Talk Time Another show of talk time. I am enjoying this monthly open platform. where you the listeners get to decide where out discussion goes too. Join us in the chat for these once a month shows. Our discussion takes the direction of the chatters. This is my one show once of…
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March 18, 2019 0

Prepper Expos

Saturday Feb. 23 to 24th. In the midsouth survival expo and gun show. Many people see expos like these going on in their areas. But have you been? Not only do you some cool and interesting gear. You also meet some amazing people and creators. I had the please of meeting the creator and owner…
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February 27, 2019 0

Lets Talk- Talk Time

So with so much going on in the Smith household, I honestly let everything get away from me. So it will be an open show on any subject that comes to mind. So come into the chat and help drive our conversation. Its an open show for the listeners to really discuss whatever they want…
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February 16, 2019 2

Be Spring Ready

Regardless of what the weather may be doing, we all know that Spring is just around the corner. Everyone knows that very soon the planting season will be upon us. It is never to early to plan for your garden. We have Richard, from Old World Farms back. He will be speaking on all things…
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February 9, 2019 0

Prepping on the road

My husband and I had to make a quick road trip. I worked the entire day and was told when i get home grab what I needed so we can “load and go”. Well, I run into the  house, grab some clothes, a toothbrush, charger  and laptop in our bag. I tell him we are…
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January 30, 2019 0

Kids Free For All

So with this show, the kids are in charge. You heard me right!  This show is all about the little helpers in the house. As many times as I have said it before everyone has a role to play even the littles. So with this special you get to ask them their view points and…
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January 25, 2019 0

When Living The Dream Is An Option

When Living The Dream Is An Option. The special guest I have for you, is a creative woman. A young woman who like any of us has a dream to be independent, reliant upon herself, her husband and the land. This wonderful Guest is none other than Samantha Biggers. She is an amazing writer who…
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January 17, 2019 2

How Well do you Know your Neighbors?

Do You really know your Neighbors In today’s time, we hear that preppers should look to their neighbors and get them on board. That a community is stronger with more. And this is true the only exception is how well do you really know your neighbor. Even though that individual may be friendly and on…
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December 18, 2018 0

Fire Awareness Tips and The Fireman!

Fire Awareness Tips and The Fireman! Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided in this post Fire safety is something that we and our children learned or are currently learning in school. Stop, Drop and Roll. A simple phrase that we all remember. What to do if the house catches on fire. Know where all…
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September 23, 2018 0