Surviving Dystopia!

Surviving Distophia 320x400Surviving Dystopia “The art of getting by”

Your Host: D J Cooper

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LIVE Listen & Chat Here on Wednesdays 6:00pm/Pacific

Listen / Download archived shows for “Surviving Dystopia”  at bottom of this page!

Up-Coming on Surviving Dystopia 7/6/2016

Talking Fiction… again

How would you react?  What would happen if the people said, “No more?” Could you survive?

Special Guest – BC Lauer –

7-6-16 overthrewThis week Author DJ Cooper has special guest BC Lauer, Author of the political post-apocalyptic fiction novel “I overthrew the government and this is how I did it.”  Now he has done it again with the second novel in the Liberty Chronicles series called, “Freedom Fighters.” The Liberty Chronicles is a three part series, written in first person that takes place during a modern day revolution. Join us for a little friendly banter about the author and the process in writing apocalyptic works.  BC Lauer served four years of active duty service in the Air Force and an additional ten years in the Air National Guard.  Drawing upon that knowledge to write his books lets see how this all fits into his story.

Also on the agenda is some chatter7-6-16 freedom about the things considered in his book when the characters are in some of their most dystopian moments. With the political scene what it is these days, it will be curious to hear his take on all of it and how his books relate. Always an enjoyable guest we will discuss finding ways we can incorporate fiction into our goals to becoming more prepared.  Much like the last time we had Brian on the show we will discuss ways we can use fiction to better our preps.

Brian is part of a group that are called Indie authors.  He is in good company with many great authors, our books are written from the heart, not changed by publishers.  The meat of the story remains along with the heart that was put into it.

Yes you know me by now and a good quote never escapes me so…We will recall the same one used last time BC Lauer joined us as it bears repeating…a great quote by a well-read author

“There are books full of great writing that don’t have very good stories. Read sometimes for the story… don’t be like the book-snobs who won’t do that. Read sometimes for the words–the language. Don’t be like the play-it-safers who won’t do that. But when you find a book that has both a good story and good words, treasure that book.” –Stephen King

Join me author DJ Cooper and fellow author BC Lauer in a discussion sure to ruffle some feathers, Put your feet up Grab a Cuppa’ something and give a listen.  Stop by join them in the chat room or talk live by calling into the show at 347-202-0228 press #1 and ask that question you have been itching to have answered…either that or just to mix it up a bit jump into the chatter.
Get the Books…Learn about BC Lauer 


Previously on Prepper Broadcasting

Go to Listen and Chat This Wednesday 9pm/Est.  8pm/Ct.  6pm/Pt.  for LIVE Broadcast

Surviving Dystopia 
Get The Book HERE!
Youtube book trailer:

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 About: Surviving Dystopia

Surviving Dystopia, What the heck does that mean?

In it’s most basic sense? “The art of Getting By”

In 1516 Sir Thomas Moore coined the word Utopia… in his book of the same name, he is describing a society possessing near perfect qualities…. Dystopia is described as the opposite of that, often characterized by dehumanization, totalitarian governments, disasters or some other cataclysmic decline in society… George Orwell’s Dystopian novel 1984 was a classic example of such a society.

Join Author DJ Cooper every Wednesday night at 9pm Eastern Time for a live show about keeping those Dystopian moments at bay. With no set course and a plethora of topics to discuss, take your chances call in, and join us in the chat room. I don’t like it stuffy and prefer a little entertainment with my learning so how about exploring the world of Sir Thomas Moore.

Certainly, I think the biggest message I would like to discuss on this show is a simple one… “Shit Happens” I talk about this a little bit on my blog “Especially in the post about anxiety.”

Many things happen in our lives and in the world we can’t always control…it could be anything from a minor setback, personal loss or even major catastrophes. Walking around thinking it won’t happen to me or the government will take care of me is a naive outlook at best. More recently an excellent example of this false thinking comes to mind….Katrina…. I mean, it is not like such a hurricane just pops up…people knew it was coming…they knew New Orleans sat below sea level yet they just sat there, waiting for the inevitable; convinced the government would save them all… I think we can all see how that went.

Alfred Henry Lewis said, “there are only 9 meals between mankind and anarchy” this is a fact….3 days is all that represents… Looking more recently at Ferguson…how quickly did a simple protest spiral into anarchy? So much today is completely out of whack…we see issues in our government and there is becoming a wider and wider split in the US between liberal thinking and constitutional thinking…so much so that it almost seems as tho it is a mini war raging amongst the people… some of the socialist ideology that seems to be gaining in popularity is so flawed but people cant see the flaws in it….they think they can create a Utopian society by leveling things out…but that is exactly what the book 1984 is about…when you take from those who work hard to give to those who don’t people loose vision, they loose hope…why bother…….another good book is the giver…think about it everyone is the same and even dreaming of something other than what you are told to dream is punished. Another good series believe it or not that applies is hunger games… where freedoms are taken and the elite are entitled…eventually chaos ensues..

If you live in an area prone to tornado’s is it not prudent to have storm shelter? It just makes sense to be aware of possible Dystopian moments and to keep your world from coming unhinged; one would think people would attempt to minimize the impacts. It is funny but people worry more about protecting their money than they do their families…you buy insurance, invest for retirement…yet don’t keep a candle in the house in case the power goes out.

The message is simple “shit happens”…could be a job loss, could be illness or accident, maybe a hurricane or full on Armageddon, invest in your personal utopia lest it become a dystopia.

 Archived show listed below!

6/22/16 Relevant Information with Future Danger

6/8/2016 Groups: Seeing the big picture!

6/1/2016 Survival groups – Leadership and your role

5/25/16 ABC’s of the Survival Group!

5/19/16 Survival groups why do you need one?

5/11/16 Experiences in living off grid!

5/4/2016 Navigating Grief

4/21/2016 Priorities -vs- comfort

4/13/2016 Alphabet talk? Prepping Acronyms, what they mean.

4/6/2016 False Flags and what do they mean to us?

3/30/2016 Special Needs Prepping

3/23/16 Friend or Foe? Keeping up your defenses.

3/16/2016 Historically Speaking

3/9/2016 Keys to surviving the first 72 hours

3/2/2016 Making money and rural living

2/23/2016 Are you having spring fever yet?

2/17/2016 WISDOM AND KNOW HOW! Book  Review

2/10/2016 Could you stay warm if the power were knocked out?

2/3/2016 How to build YOUR Ultimate Bug out Bag aka “The BOB”


12/17/2015 EMP… Lights Out!



11/25/2015 Describing Dystopia…

11/18/2015 Omega Plague Post-Apocalypse

11/11/2015 Clean water could be Liquid Gold!

11/4/2015 Saving with Co-ops and buying clubs

10/28/2015 Penny Pinching Projects for Preppers…

10/21/2015 What to do when others around you scoff at your prepping.

10/14/2015 “Blank page in prepping?” and about expos

10/7/2015 Where’s the focus?

9/23/2015 A Youngun’s Perspective on Preparedness!

9/16/2015 What is your disaster??

9/9/2015 The Art of Barter

9/2/15 Loner or community? Which is best…

8/12/2015 The new Prepper Overload

8/5/2015 Talking Fiction!

7/29/2015 Lessons of generations past!

7/22/15 The self sufficient home!

7/15/2015 Surviving Dystopia’s Debut introduction to Surviving Dystophia!

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