Winter project Build a computer

Winter project Build a computer

January 20, 2017 APN Report Internet Technology 0

Winter project Build a computer
Bob Howkins “APN Report” Audio in player below!

Winter project: Build a computerSnow on the ground, snow on the roof, ice on the roads, winter’s set in. As Preppers, wintertime is a inconvenience, but it’s also downtime. Want something to do?

As the desire to get out and about is tempered by the desire to stay in snug & warm, it’s time for a winter project. Time to work on something at the dining room table, even something you can do with kids… like building a powerful computer you fit in your pocket.
Yeah, you read that right… build a computer. We’re talking computer voodoo on this show.

Here’s the twist. What used to be complicated, expensive, and the exclusive realm of the pocket protector crowd, “Rolling-your-own” personal computer has now evolved into child’s play. All due to a tiny, yet powerful micro computer called the Raspberry Pi.

Made to teach children computer programming, the Raspberry Pi is a computer on a credit card sized circuit board that costs $35.
With that price & its capabilities, the Pi has attracted the attention of young & old as a low cost yet powerful & easy to configure computing platform, easily able do all kinds of stuff…manage household appliances, monitor a secure perimeter, create a in-home intranet server, a home weather station, and countless other things.

The thing is, while we strive for self reliance, many assume that means shunning modern technology, so techie stuff like computers may not sound like a correct fit. Actually, being a Prepper doesn’t imply a strict Grizzly Adams life, but rather one that uses tools & talent to maintain a self reliant life, which includes knowledge of how computers work, and employing them to achieve your Prepping goals.
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