A.I. Maybe Not What We Hoped For?

A.I. Maybe Not What We Hoped For?

March 14, 2018 Communication Preppers Technology 0

A.I. Maybe Not What We Hoped For?
Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided below!

A.I. Maybe Not What We Hoped For?A.I. now for those of us on the homestead the term A.I. refers to artificial insemination, you know when breeding animals without the male (daddy) actually on location, but with times changing and technology growing by leaps and bounds it is better known as Artificial Intelligence!

Once a pipe dream and some great story lines in books and movies AI is now alive, well and growing. A.I. is currently used in many fields today.

Listen to this broadcast or download “A.I. Maybe Not What We Hoped For?” in this player!

The medical field, food service even the automotive fields and let’s not even talk about our financial system. Computers are doing all sorts of things today from vacuuming your floor to actually driving a big rig! Exciting stuff right? Well maybe not, well at least maybe not for the future and how far AI will go. Would you let someone implant a chip in your brain? What if you could communicate with a loved one who can’t speak or if we could track thoughts of violent criminal predators, or you could access the web without your smart phone or a computer or other stand alone computer, or the doctor could communicate with a comatose patient?

Sounds pretty far fetched right, stuff movies are made of, but nowadays we know it is not far fetched. In 2013 a couple of scientists actually connected two brains in separate rooms via the internet and they were able to communicate ideas? The concept of a brain-net and what that system could both achieve and destroy is a real and valid question being debated today. Join a Preppers Path as we take a look at Artificial Intelligence (AI) and some real concerns for mankind. Are you for or against, is there a limit? See you Tuesday March 13th at noon pst on A Preppers Path.

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