Small Group Tactical Movement

Small Group Tactical Movement
David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided!
You really need to tune in on this show because Dave changes things up a little and talks about something every Prepper needs to think about, small group tactical movement. The very tough but real possibility is that at some point after the world turns into a Mad Max type of situation you will need to move from one point to another.
Listen to this broadcast or download “Small Group Tactical Movement” in player below!
How will you complete the trip safely, securely and successfully? Dave talks about the 4 basic assumptions you must have, the 3 reasons to move and the different ways you can move. He will discuss the difference between cover and concealment and how you can use both of them. Dave will talk about the different items you should take with you for each type of move you will be conducting and he will be talking about the different types of moves. He will talk about how to prepare for each move before you depart your own personal Green Zone. All the considerations you must make before you move.
Dave breaks it down so you understand what to do before, during and after your move. He will tell you about the different formations of movement and when to use each type. Dave will explain pace count and why it is so important at least two people in the group should be using it. How would you estimate the amount of time for any move and how do you conduct a map recon for your move? What is the best way to stop along the move and how would you set up security whenever you stopped during the move?
Dave will talk about all these things and more. This is information everyone needs to know so don’t miss this week show.
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group movement Prepping Up Small Group Tactical Movement tactical Tactical Movement