Tactics and technology!

Tactics and technology!

March 9, 2017 I Am Liberty Preparedness Purchasing supplies Survival Tips Tactics 0

Tactics and technology
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below!

Tactics and technologyI am not sure if it’s my recent obsession with Batman or the fact that I have reached a certain age where these things just start to populate in a man’s mind. Either way I have spent more time looking at tactical movements and formations. I have also fell in love with the CQB on Netflix. This show is short for close quarter combat and speaks to various important missions in the military world.

I used to bristle at the guys with the tactical gloves on and combat boots in the middle of the summer. It was just a bit much for me. That said, I am starting to see the merit in owning and understanding the equipment.

Topics Covered

· Best Tactical Equipment for the Prepper
· High Tech Innovation
· Urban Classes for tactical skills

We are really going to look at what is out there and what this world is offering to the civilian. When we talk about things getting ugly post SHTF it’s important that we have some level of training in safe and efficient movement and escape and evasion if nothing else. You will be surprised to find out how much is out there to help you along the way. I recently stumpled onto a site called www.itstactical.com that has a slew of info and videos.

Remember that no one will simply take a vested interest in your training. Without motivation and work what you know today will be what you know tomorrow. Yes it will take work and it may take getting through some things that make you uncomfortable or annoyed. This are moments when we grow.

Increase your understanding of tactical applications and technologies. Begin to appreciate how they can help you and survival goals. Become a master of the urban landscape and how to manage it. This will be an exciting episode so don’t miss it.
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