Survival Savvy!

Survival Savvy!

May 19, 2015 Lil' Suburban Homestead Survival Survival Tips 0

The Survival Savvy Family
Karen Lynn: “Lil’ suburban Homestead

Survival Savvy survivalsavvyfamilycoverThis week Karen Lynn  is so excited to share that she will be interviewing Julie Sczerbinski author of “The Survival Savvy Family” and blog owner of Home Ready Home.

Karen Lynn has a book review on her blog and a an autographed copy  giveaway this week of Julie’s book “The Survival Savvy Family” which will be posting on Sunday May 17th at her blog of the Survival Savvy Family:  Click here at the Lil’ Suburban Homestead Giveaway page!  Make sure to enter for this fabulous book!  Julie has packed this book with everything you will need to know on “How To Be Your Absolute Best During The Absolute Worst” as it states on the cover of her book.

Survival Savvy IMG_0688Julie’s Home Ready Home blog is loaded with great practical information on gardening, raising chickens, food storage, and more recently on beekeeping.   She is  passionate about sustainable living, keeping your family prepared and loves sharing her knowledge with others.  Julie believes in empowering others to be prepared to their best of their ability to handle any emergency that comes their way.  She will be the first to tell you she hasn’t always been that way but she has changed her family’s life and you can too.  In a disaster or emergency having a freezer full of frozen waffles or fast convenience food won’t see your family through but with some know how, planning, and an investment of time will.  Julie’s got you covered!

Her book is filled with helpful information, check lists, and even some items you may not have even thought of yourself!

5-19-15 JuliebookBNHave you thought about what you would do in an emergency?

Do you have small children?  How would your family connect?

Do you have pets?  Do you have a plan for them?

Julie’s book talks through these topics and much more!

Don’t be caught unprepared!

Join us in the chat room or call in live to talk to Julie and ask your questions to her about her book and her blog or any other preparedness question you may have!  It’s going to be a fun conversation!

Listen to this broadcast on Survival Savvy in player below!

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