Preparedness Skills and Topics for the Individual, Home, and the Neighborhood!

Preparedness Skills and Topics for the Individual, Home, and the Neighborhood!

September 4, 2013 Community Involvment Family Preppers Skills Survival Tips The Human Path 0

Skills GardensToday’s podcast is a culmination of several topics that are in response to several emails about my previous podcasts and articles. All of these email subjects can be tied together, however, under the topic of “Preparedness Skills.” I start this podcast by discussing some of the different methods that we learn important skills – and by this I am even referring to simple skills and knowledge such as what kinds of foods to can, dry canning vs. wet canning, the difference between short-range and long-range foods, etc.

9-4HerbalMedic2Thanks to the internet, we can get an amazing amount of information through articles, youtube, podcasts, blogs and so forth. In addition to that, there are of course thousands of books on any and all of the subjects surrounding the concepts of preparedness.

Is that enough? Or is it necessary to go to classes at a school to learn this information? What does a school give you that you can’t just get on your own? And if do want to attend a school, how do you go about finding one that actually fits exactly what your needs are so that you don’t waste any of your money?

Taking the skills from the individual to the family and community level, I talk about some very important concepts related to prepping around the home and neighborhood. Forest gardening, medicinal and food gardening, home and neighborhood defense, the “culture of community,” and how this helps create a stronger, more resilient force against those who would take what they want if there were no more rule of law on the streets.
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