SHTF in Country Living!

SHTF in Country Living!

May 30, 2017 groups Groups Planning Preparedness Survival Tech Preps 0

SHTF in Country Living
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio in player below!

SHTF in Country LivingWe’ve talked about a shtf scenario while living in a metro area or apartment but what about the country? This show will be all about country living during shtf and as you may know it has multiple advantages but there are also disadvantages.

In the country we have the ability to grow our own food, hunt, and fish, and be self-sustainable, however this can come at a price. You may have land but is it vulnerable because it cannot be maintained by yourselves. With a lot of land, you cannot be everywhere at once. A community or larger group may be preferred however the situation have us alone or with only immediate family.

How we go about maintaining our property and what we do will be key to our survival. Hopefully I have a few tips you may find useful. With an abundance of land in country living your security and that of others with you is a major priority. I will talk about some ways you can be secure and know what is coming before it reaches you.

The bottom line is if you are self-sufficient you may have what others want. In some cases, apartment dwellers might be better off having less means being less of a target. Security is key, you cannot have preps without proper defense. Maybe a few gadgets here and there will give you the extra eyes and ears you need. Groups will have a better chance, but I will focus more on what would you do as a loner.
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