OPSEC The Quiet Life!

OPSEC The Quiet Life!

December 10, 2015 Living Off Grid Preppers Privacy Security Survival Tips Surviving Dystopia 0

OPSEC The Quiet Life!
D J Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

12-8-15 WonderMill-Electric-Grain-MillSo, you just bought a shiny new  WonderMill grain mill. You ordered it online and it finally arrived in the mail today. Hastily you open the package and excited with your new prepper gadget you swiftly break out the grain and whip up a lovely loaf of bread. Thrilled you immediately begin snapping photos with your phone and plaster them all over your Facebook and Twitter.

OPSEC The Quiet Life!These are the things we all love to share with one another and without even thinking we could have just shared exactly how the “Other” kind of prepper will find their preps. By seeking out YOU. The thing I want to talk about today is OPSEC. OPSEC? What is that?

12-9-15 imagesMany know the meaning but for those who don’t, OPSEC is short for OPerational SECurity. This is important because of the guy who thinks that when TSHTF he is going to take the road most closely related to Mad Max and just seek to take the preparations you collected, worked and paid for.

Your phone is constantly asking to know your location, maybe you’re using the GPS or looking for a restaurant, no matter how it is on if it is then there is likely a little tidbit of information attached to your photo of that brand new grain mill you just plastered all over the internet. This information is called geotagging, it attaches the GPS location of where the photo was taken and a tech savvy Mad Maxer might just find out where you keep your precious new prep.

Operational security is an important part of our preparedness plan and should be something we consider as such.
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