Long term storage concerns of Preppers!

Long term storage concerns of Preppers!

October 12, 2012 Common Sense Prepping Disaster Food Preppers storing Survival Tips 0

Join Deb Friday 10/12/2012 on “Common Sense Prepping” for a good old fashioned Chit-chat on long term storage concerns of Preppers.  Deb will be specifically speaking about food preps and the quantities needed for at least one year. Each consecutive week we will discuss different areas and levels of concern, but we will talk in a positive manner, created to encourage those who are just starting out, as well as, to encourage those old timers to stay in the game.

We just never know from one day to the next what can impact our lives. There are some things such as natural disasters and accidents which can come upon us all of a sudden and we are for a loss at what to do and where to turn–unless we are Preppers. The word Preppers, is a modern name for common sense people who always plan for the unexpected. They do not use fear as a motivator but use the desire to be independent and self-reliant no matter what befalls them, to learn new techniques and strategies for survival. Come join Deb as she discusses ways to stay calm within any situation. Together we can help each other help ourselves, and keep close to our heart those things that are really important like God, Family, and Country.
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