Identify and eliminate noises for survival!

Identify and eliminate noises for survival!

September 15, 2018 Survival Survival Tips 0

Discipline pt 4 Sound: Identify and eliminate noises for survival!
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below!

Identify and eliminate noises for survivalFor the past for weeks we have been covering Sight, Smell, and Appearance Discipline and how to proactive better OPSEC. This episode is the fourth and final show and we tackle noises. Next time there is a power outage in your area, go outside and have a listen. You might still hear the animals and insects and background noise, but overall you will immediately notice how quiet it really is. Dogs barking, car horns, generators, kids screaming, etc. These sounds carry a long ways. This show will have some ideas on how to reduce the amount of noise and sound you give off as well as some ways you can use sound to your advantage. In short, you and your family or those at your location have to be as quiet as possible and be aware that sound travels. Kids love to play and scream and run around. That will be bad mojo when you are trying to hide and not draw attention to yourself and it is REALLY hard to keep a small child quiet.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Identify and eliminate noises for survival” in this player!

We will cover animals and which ones would be good and bad to have such as dogs, llamas, guinea fowl, and chickens. These are great guard animals, but the problem is that every one of these critters will make noise and a fuss if they are scared, hungry, mad, or if someone unknown comes near them. Well fed critters equal resources to feed such critters. We will cover other ideas such as the volume of radios, making sure that metal objects don’t clank together when you walk, using sign language and hand signals, and a bunch of other useful ideas that you will just have to listen in to find out. Either way it will be fun and should to help you reduce the amount of sound you give off.

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