I thought this B.O.L. would be safe?

I thought this B.O.L. would be safe?

April 21, 2012 In Time of Disaster Survival Tips 0

Wake up, wake up. Did you hear that noise? Someone is out there he said as he got out of bed and started to slip on his pants. I think you are hearing things honey she replied, it’s 3 in the morning and we’re in the boonies out here. I’m telling you I can hear some people out there…

Did this show start out as some kind of Orson Wells “War of the worlds” radio Drama? Maybe not as convincing as the original that aired over half a decade ago but it sure made you think about the reality of life after a major disaster.

If you escaped a major disaster, pandemic, or what ever the scenario may be and made it to your bug out location would you indeed be safe. Would those that got out late and stumbled on to your safe place be friend or foe? Would those that found you have there own supplies or be desperate and willing enough to take yours and leave you to die in order that they may survive?

Last nights show delved into these questions and many more giving all those that listened reason to pause, and to think of the reality of how it could be. Listen in the player below as our hosts dive into the questions and answers surrounding such a possibility. With tips and ideas on how to be less detectable, protected, defensible and much more. I would have to give this episode of “In Time of Disaster” five stars.

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