Herbalist, Susun Weed joins The Other Side…A Preppers Path!

Herbalist, Susun Weed joins The Other Side…A Preppers Path!

August 23, 2012 Herbs Medical Medicine Skills Survival Tips The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

The debilitating cost of medical treatment in today’s world is a specter for all.  That specter looms directly in the form of the Big Pharmaceutical Company. The price and actual safety of the medicines many have come to depend upon is definitely in question and inflated beyond reach for those most in need.  What is the answer? The Other Side of A Preppers Path offers the homesteader, prepper and health conscious viable answers as renowned teacher, author and herbalist Susun Weed of the Wise Woman Tradition joins Lynna with The Herbal Medicine Chest Part I. Tune in and find out the answers to the issues of cost, safety and reliability when it comes to your health and the natural  medicine that grows abundantly around us. Learn how to prepare your own Herbal Medicine Chest. All in this show available in player below.

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