Herbal and Home Remedies with the Honey’s

Herbal and Home Remedies with the Honey’s

April 11, 2013 Herbs Medicine Remedies Skills Survival Tips The Homestead Honey Hour 0

medicinal plants723px-Meyers_b1_s0894bWhen I was a little girl, seldom did we go to the doctor, use medications bought in the store or even antibiotics! I was 11 before I got infected tonsils and had penicillin for the first time. Personally I think antibiotics are WAY over used. So if we didn’t use all these things what DID we use? Honey, poultices, weeds, herbs, whatever worked. The doctor was only a last resort…and the way our healthcare systems are going, knowing more about how to treat yourself at home is becoming more and more important! This week’s show is about simple Herbal medicines and home remedies that until 50 years ago. Were prominent in most homes!

I am not a doctor, a health practitioner or a homeopath. I am just a woman who would rather try and fix it herself before she spend 6-12 hours in a waiting room!

homestead honey 125Come join me The MrsVolfie and the other honeys of The Homestead Honey Hour while I share some of my favorite herbal remedies!

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