Evacuation to Tips & Tricks from WWII

Evacuation to Tips & Tricks from WWII

March 29, 2014 Disaster Planning Preppers Road Less Traveled supplies supplies Survival Items Survival Tips The Prepared Canadian 0

Evacuation to Tips & Tricks from WWII!

Evacuation Canada 600x600RLTTwo shows with a lot of good information starting off with “The Prepared Canadian” and followed by Gary and Brenna of “The Road Less Traveled”.

In this first broadcast Denob asks the questions; Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice? What would you be left with if your home were destroyed by fire or a tornado? There can be any number of disasters that can force you to leave your home without the time to think. What if you needed to get home from work after disaster strikes? Will you be ready to care for your kids or pets?

Evacuation Bug Out BagOn this episode of The Prepared Canadian, Denob will take a look at bags…bug our bags, get home bags, everyday carry bags, as well as special consideration for pets and kids in the event of an evacuation. Not just what to put in them, but why you need them in the first place. In addition, he will have two tips for five dollar preparedness, news from the blog and the forum, a fantastic prepper website of the week, and of course, his weekly editorial.

Listen to this broadcast on evacuation in player below!

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3-27 659x500 StoringfoodinGreatDepressionOn this excursion of “The Road Less Traveled” GGsBoo will discuss learning from the Grandmothers-Tips and Tricks from World War 2, and GaryL will explore how money has altered the energy, frequency, and vibration of people.

Along this journey they’ll continue focusing on some of the intricacies of Prepping from our perspectives with an emphasis on psychological preparedness being quite important to our overall efforts. Learning exactly who and what we really are and the nature of our surroundings are essential to being psychologically prepared.

Listen to this broadcast on Tips and Tricks in player below!

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