EMP, The Big Blackout!

EMP, The Big Blackout!

October 27, 2015 Disaster E.M.P. Survival Tips Tech Preps 0

EMP, The Big Blackout!
Highlander “Tech Preps

EMP downloadThis episode I will talk about the technology we should have in case an EMP was to occur. What we should have before and after and how to prep for such an event. We will go over the possible causes of EMP (electromagnetic pulse) and how to prevent it from affecting your gadgets.

I have always heard of this as a terror filled media fueled conspiracy type of life changing event. But we will discover if the threat is real, false or do we simply not know. I will talk about the misconceptions and the confirmations of what makes an EMP a threat. I will give you suggestions on what we should put in place in our own lives to be ready for such an attack, either from nature, or from manmade weapons. We have 2 major events that could cause an EMP, such as a faraday cage, shielding, and proper grounding of equipment. A quote I would like to share from.

10-26-15 AnEMP-AttackBillionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer is warning investors – and more broadly, lawmakers and leaders – about the potential destructive power of an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, which could be triggered by solar events or artificially, via blasts in the atmosphere. According to Singer, research shows that no other incident, including a nuclear bomb, has the potential for such wide-scale devastation, coupled with the relative likelihood of occurring. While a nuke would primarily impact on the location of such a city, an EMP could occur globally or across large-scale regions, wreaking havoc on the entire electric grid and devices…

I will talk about if a high tech lifestyle is sustainable or is it good to go low tech and prepare for what might come, but will it? I will go over the likely hood of such events and the ones that have occurred in the past. Enjoy the show!

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