6 Critical Mistakes When Collecting Rainwater!

6 Critical Mistakes When Collecting Rainwater!

June 23, 2015 Survival Tips Water water collection and storage 4
6 Critical Mistakes When Collecting Rainwater!

Rainwater is safe. Rainwater is free. Rainwater needs to be harvested.

Collecting Rainwater rainwater-harvestingUnless you leave near a nuclear plant or in a highly polluted region, you shouldn’t shy away from collecting and stockpiling as much rainwater as possible. Although it’s a little acidic, so are many of the foods we eat. And if you side-step the mistakes I’m about to tell you, you’re gonna have an unlimited supply of water to drink, do the laundry, to shower, to give to your pets and so on, a steady supply that will keep on coming post-collapse and, if you’re smart, you could even sell or barter with some of it.

So let’s go ahead and see these mistakes in Collecting Rainwater!

Mistake #1: Not knowing their state regulations on collecting rainwater

It’s always good to know how much you can collect, if you can do it and get whatever permits you need. I realize playing by your Government’s rules is not something you enjoy, it’s not something anyone enjoys but better safe than sorry. In some cases, collecting rainwater is illegal which is unfortunate to say the least, but with the mega-drought affecting the US (particularly California) had the power to change water regulations in some of these states and more will probably follow.

Mistake #2: Not using a collection screen

Having a collection screen or a strainer basket for your water collection tanks or rain barrels ensures you don’t end up with bird poo or flies or other insects in your water. Not mandatory if you’re using that water to water your garden but a must if you intend to drink it.

Mistake #3: Not purifying the rainwater first

In theory, rainwater is safe to drink but even though the risk is small, you still don’t want to take it. Why would you? Why would you drink water that had bird poo in it? That poo came into contact with it even before it reached your collection screen, even if it didn’t actually reached the collection tank.

Mistake #4: Not Collecting Rainwater themselves

There’s a nice article on The Guardian that praises rainwater but when it talks about the price of buying one of those ready-made harvesting systems it tells us we shouldn’t expect to pay no more than £1,000 (1577.97 US Dollar)  for installation by a competent plumber or builder. That’s an insane price if you ask me. Why not do it yourself and keep most of your money?

Mistake #5: not collecting rainwater because they live in an apartment

OK, so you won’t be able to harvest that much of when you live in a tiny apartment with a tiny balcony, but some water is better than no water, right? You can still save money and installing a mini rainwater harvesting system can be a very cool DIY project for your kids.

Mistake #6: Not doing it because they don’t know all the possible uses

Big mistake, because they’re quitting before even starting. Rainwater has a lot more uses and all you have to do is think about it for a few minutes to come up with them:

  • Watering your garden and your fruit trees
  • Watering your indoor plants (if you live in an apartment)
  • Doing laundry
  • Taking showers and baths
  • Giving it to your pets and/or farmyard animals
  • To store it both at your current location as well as at your bug-out location
  • Washing your car
  • …and so on.

If you really plan how you’re going to use the rainwater, you can expect to reduce the water consumption of your household by up to 70%! That’s a lot, considering the average household in America “wastes” 400 gallons of water per day.


4 Responses

  1. I really didn’t know that the things I was doing from many years for collecting rainwater were my mistakes. Thanks a lot for sharing this useful post. This is such an informative post and got to learn many newer things from it.

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