TGA- 2021- Irregular Warfare lessons from WW2, Interrogations, JTS M12AK

TGA- 2021- Irregular Warfare lessons from WW2, Interrogations, JTS M12AK

February 2, 2021 Gunmetal Armory Shows War 0

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0 (13s):
Prepper Broadcasting Network we have to hit the reset button. You create a true culture of preparedness, starting at a very young age and still turning all the way up to the gun metal armory. Here’s your host, Dan D

1 (44s):
What’s a team gunmetal. This is Dane from the gunmetal armory. We’re going live tonight. We’re going to talk, talk, talk, see what’s up. So I am looking at the messages inside of these breaker chat network here. And I’m not sure if anybody’s actually in the speaker chat here. I guess it’s a new thing, a new feature. I didn’t bother to see it last time I was in here. M anyways, if anybody wants to get into that chat and say, hello, I think you can do so by the speaker M website. If you’re a mix break or a website, and you want to say, Hey, feel free.

1 (1m 27s):
So let’s talk about tonight. Let’s see what we got going here. Quick announcement. If you have any questions or for gunsmithing or anything like that, weaponry questions, anything of the nature feel free to email me at gunmetal armory, This week, we’re going to talk about Irregular Warfare lessons from world war II, Klan, Dustin Warfare lessons from world war II. We’re going to concentrate on some of the training that spies will put through. As you guys know, if you listen to my shows, you’ll know that that is one of my it’s to me, it’s a time period.

1 (2m 10s):
That’s a very, very interesting, so I tend to look into it, study it and you know, really see what these people, you know, how these people were trained and what they went through. So we’re going to be talking about those various different lessons that the OSS and the SOE, a, the French resistance, you know, all the different resistance groups that were behind enemy lines, what they were taught during world war II. We’re going to look at those lessons, things that they learned, et cetera. You know, tonight, we’re going to talk about interrogation and what happens if the Nazi Gestapo or secret police, if you will gets a hold of you.

1 (2m 56s):
So, one other thing, too, we have a new segment that is called M. I believe they’re calling it marching orders. I believe it’s basically the voice of we, the people, this is going to become a weekly thing. And I believe it’s because comms has always been lacking on the side of the Patriots. Unfortunately, we can’t ride through town and scream our messages anymore. You know, the British are coming. It doesn’t work that way anymore. So it’s getting harder and harder for our side to be heard at any of the larger virtual town squares.

1 (3m 37s):
If you will, the town square, the soap box just doesn’t seem to really be an option anymore, unless you’re on somewhere like gab, or I don’t know a parlor is ever coming back, but that is another possibility. But gab seems to be the town square at the moment for everyone, not just conservatives, not just Patriots, pretty much for everybody. So with that in mind, we give you the marching orders. Here are the marching orders for today, January 28th, 2021.

1 (4m 18s):
These are the marching orders for our federal government direct from the consenting governed. We the people demand that the federal government protect and adhere to the bill of rights email. And here are your marching orders as a governed consenting, civilian, email your Congressman and ask them what the people should do. When they see their bill of rights being dissolved before their very eyes, email them and ask them, what do we do?

1 (4m 59s):
What do I do? And if they don’t answer, keep, keep going, keep going, everybody. That’s listening to this email, your congressmen. If you don’t know how to email me, I will send it to you. I will find it and I will send it to you. Okay. Doesn’t matter what state you’re in. All right, moving on. That was the marching orders. Moving on. Let’s talk about a today’s product pick of the week. Now. I just recently did a video on YouTube. Haven’t done one in a long time, but I did a video on YouTube about M comparing basically comparing The JTS M 12 K a 12 gauge shotgun, AK shotgun to the Russian Mola VAT for 12.

1 (5m 57s):
Now, admittedly, the JTS is made in the Jiangxi factory in China. Like it or not agree with them or not. The Chinese do know their way around making firearms. And I’m not going to call something a piece of crap just because I like where it came from. Okay. So I wanted to do an honest assessment of it. Now I have had this thing out in the field before, but that video got a let’s just say it got heated. It got, it got lost. So I’m going to have to do it again. However, I wanted to compare the JTS and the Mola pepper in a controlled environment.

1 (6m 43s):
So I was able to do that, which was cool. It’s a really good video of you guys get a chance to add to the gunmetal or on our YouTube channel. Check it out. But for now I’m going to review The Mark 12, eight, or the M 12 AK JTS M shotgun for the moment here. Now I can tell you some things that you mean you don’t have to watch a video, but I can tell you that there is a stark price difference between the two with the let’s see the JTS let’s I mean, heck why not? Why not? Let’s get an absolutely accurate viewpoint on this right now. Let’s go to gun

1 (7m 27s):
Let’s see what it says on gun broker. Yeah. Yeah. I know I’m not a big fan of gun broker either, but you know, they’re kind of the, one of the only games in town at the moment. So we’ll just deal with them for the time being all right. Let’s type it in here. JTS M 12 AK. Bam. What do you got? Okay. So by now, like four 99, five 99, five 34 with 17 beds, six 49. Now keep in mind, there’s a whole bunch of different versions of this gun. So you’re probably going to see a slight price difference, but the general price I will see will be anywhere between four 80 to five, a five 50, somewhere in there for the very basic model.

1 (8m 19s):
Now, keeping that in mind, let’s do a web search for low, a lot, the upper 12. Let’s see what we come up with a hand guard retainer and an eight round magazine. Holy crap. Is that an actual lot? Eight round magazine, $84 for one magazine. Are they mad at you or $80 from one magazine, huh? Geez. Okay, so let’s move into the guns. Okay, here we go. Here we go. VEPTR 12 five group or theme.

1 (8m 59s):
I don’t know how to pronounce that. 12 gauge VPR 12 VPR dash 12 dash 81, folding stock, two mags brand new $2,199. Here’s another one. That one is $2,500. Here’s another one. Okay. That’s a little bit. That’s a little bit closer, but this one does not have a folding stock and it is $1,225. Here is one that is the fixed stock version. It looks very similar to the JTS.

1 (9m 39s):
I mean, almost identical and it is $2,500. So you guys kind of see what I’m getting at here. I hope the stark price difference between the two. There is a, there is a w you know, a relatively stark difference in price between the two and the JTS is currently available online. You can buy these right now. Let’s see. Let’s see what the price difference is in the magazines. We saw an eight round mag for the most, a lot for $80.

1 (10m 19s):
Let’s click on M 12 AK 10 round mag on the JTS website, which is JTS Let’s see Juliet, tango, Sierra, J JTS group. All right, let’s see what these 10 round mags you’re going to cost me two more rounds than the other one to click on buy, to see what it costs. I hope everyone out there is doing good tonight. You know, it’s, it’s been a, it’s been crazy crazy week. Okay. Alright. M 12 K mag $30 and 99 cents for a 10 round mag. So I can get to almost three of these 10 round mags for the price of one Mo lot eight round mag.

1 (11m 8s):
Now don’t get me wrong. Okay. I’m not saying that the mole it’s a bad gun. I’m just saying that it’s extremely expensive and that you can have something pretty similar. I mean, you guys just got to watch my review. Okay. And, and, and, you know, for not even half the price, it make sense to me. It make sense to me, especially if you’re trying to build a Prepper armory, but moving on, I’ve had a decent amount of experience now with the JTS M, M 12 AK. And I can honestly say that it is one of the nicer semiautomatic shotguns I have handled and shot.

1 (11m 49s):
Okay. Now, like any 12 gauge shotgun, it have kick, man. I mean, we’re not, we’re not going to play around about that. We all know that 12 gauge shotguns have a lot of kick to them, but there are very few items that are not class three that can, you know, they can lay down as much firepower as a shotgun with buckshot ammo in it. Okay. There are a very few firearms that can send a slug as large as a 12 gauge shotgun for the price that it can send it. Okay. So there’s a lot of things to consider. Plus shotguns are wanting the best survival items to have.

1 (12m 32s):
Now, some people may argue, you know, a pump shotguns better, or, you know, a semiautomatic shotgun is better. This one happens to be semiautomatic. And I happen to love that. Okay. But I have nothing against the pump action shotgun, either a mustard, five 90 Remington, eight 70. They’re both amazing shotguns. But if you want to get into the semiautomatic shotgun game, this thing for around $500 and $31 a mag for a 10 round mags, you really would have a hard time beating that. Okay. Trust me. Now, take a look. If you want to pick one of these up, if you’re not put off, you know, by anything else, you know, if you want to just get a decent shotgun that you can put into your armory, this one is a decent shotgun that you can put into your armory.

1 (13m 17s):
Okay. Ah, for a really good deal. All right. JTS Okay. Again, I know some people may have a problem with where it comes from. I personally do not care. I also have a, a Chinese Mack, 90 a AK, you know, I like it. Well actually, no, I think that one, yeah, that one fell off my boat when I was fishing. Gosh, darn it. I hate it. When that happens. Anyways, I used to have one at the bottom of a awake it’s somewhere out there. Anyhow, moving on. So that is my product out of the weak. If you guys want to check that thing out now, granted, I know I’ve reviewed it before, but it does bear repeating.

1 (13m 59s):
If you guys want to pick them one of these up, do it now do it while you can. Okay. Shotgun ammo is very difficult to find a very difficult it’s still out there. Okay. But keep in mind that this thing has four gas settings on it. One is of course, you know, for single shot, but the other three are too to be able to shoot different types of shotgun ammo. So no matter what you find on the shelf, you should be able to run it in this gun. Okay. So keep that in mind. Moving on. I was thinking about something today that kind of got me, got my brain working.

2 (14m 37s):
Okay. Now, you know, you guys, you know,

1 (14m 40s):
Oh, you got some, if you guys know what I like to build firearms, and this may be something that I’m going to end up building. Okay. Let’s talk about the RP. K. Okay.

3 (14m 52s):
For those of you guys that don’t know what an RPK is, most everyone out there knows what an AK 47 is or an AK 74 is you can, you can pretty much look at it and know what it is. Okay. The RPK is very, very similar to the AK 47 in, in looks. Okay. When I showed them to the mistress, the metal, she was like, Oh, you know, okay. They look very similar. So let’s talk about the RPK. What, what is an RPK? Well, the fans of the AK 47 and 74 will know that the RPK for the is the light to the premiere.

3 (15m 38s):
Basically. It’s the, you know, one of the main light machine guns of Russia and the Russian satellite States. Okay. But they weigh about 13 pounds. Give or take. OK. Whereas, you know, the AK is going to be somewhere in the seven and a half, the eight and a half a pound range give or take. Now the RPK, it comes in five, four or five. Of course the RPK 74 or the newer model, like the RBK 200, the also come in seven 62 by 39. There’s a couple of variants of that. And there’s even an export version, which I don’t know if they’re ever going to come in.

3 (16m 22s):
There’s an export version of the RPK in five, five, six. Now me, I can honestly care less, you know, about the five, five, six thing. I don’t by a comm block firearms to run in American caliber in them. But I digress now they have some features that are different than the AK 74. Okay. AK 47, AK 70 for the RPK, like I said, it’s 13 pounds. Okay. But the RPK also has a 20 to 23 inch heavy barrel on it. Okay. Heavy barrel. Okay. Like an M 60 or something of that nature, like a M you know, like a Sr 25, you know, it’s got the heavier,

4 (17m 10s):
It’s not a normal sized carby barrel plus, you know, the normal sized carby barrel,

3 (17m 17s):
You know, it can, it can range into the, you know, the 10 and 11 and a half inch. You can be 14 and a half, or it could be 16. It just depends a bit. These again are anywhere from 20 inch to 23 inch. All right. They’ve got an attached. Bi-pod the RPK also has an 800 meter. When did an elevation adjustable rear site. That’s something else you’re not going to see on every AK. You’re not going to see the winded adjustable rear site. You see elevation, everybody sees elevation on the AK side. That’s what that little clicker or a slider thing thingy is there, the little slider you can do and the little numbers of the corresponding notches, that is your elevation.

3 (18m 2s):
Okay. Or your range, if you will. The Elevate’s the rear sight for different Rangers. Okay. The front site is adjustable left or right. If you have the right tool, it’s also adjustable for, for elevation as well. Again, if you have the right tool, excuse me. But you know, you have to have the correct tools and things like that. Okay. And that’s a whole other show you how to adjust that anyways. When did you join elevation adjustable rear sight on the RP? K some have a folding rear stocks for a paratrooper.

3 (18m 44s):
And also they generally tend to run them with 45 round magazines and 60 round magazines, not 60 round drums. The RPK in seven 60 by 39, they would run 90 round or 75 round drums. But when they switched over to the RPK 74 and the RPK 200, and when they switched over to the five, four, five M, they kind of went away from that. And they stuck with a 30 round 45 round and even 60 round magazines, some of the 60 round magazines, you’ve heard of a double stack mag, okay.

3 (19m 27s):
Double stack magazines. Some of those 60 round magazines are quadruple stacked magazines. They’re quad stacked, which is super cool. If you want to see how that is done, we do a web search for the blueprints, or do a web search for the sure-fire 60 round magazine. And you will see that it’s a lot thicker than a normal busy, M that, you know, sure-fire the, the flashlight company, right? You make them for air fifteens, the triple stacked or quadruple stack magazines, 60 round or a hundred round.

3 (20m 7s):
So if you want to see how its done, you can look there moving on. The RPKs also have specialized flash hiders, a lighter polymer furniture on, you know, the RPK 74 and you know, the, the 202 or three, so on and so forth. And they tend to have the super beefy 1.5 millimeter receivers instead of the one millimeter receiver, which is on most every eight K. Now, like we were saying, and the average AK weighs between seven and a half seven, eight, eight, and a half pounds. Okay. However, as we said earlier, the RBK a little over 13 pounds.

3 (20m 51s):
That is a joke. This additional weight of course comes from the bi-pod the thicker receiver, the larger mag, the heavier longer thicker barrel and so on and so forth. Okay. My thought was this okay. They took the Kalashnikov platform. If I remember correctly, Kalashnikov actually did this himself, took the kalash and a cough platform. EA K M and they upgraded it with, again, the longer barrel, the thicker barrel, the bi-pod, the drum match, the thicker receiver, all of those things, the, the, the rear site, they upgraded the heck out of it.

3 (21m 41s):
Okay. And they made themselves, what is essentially a squad, automatic weapon, something like the M and two 49 saw, but not belt fed. Okay. Now, you know, saws can use Macs, but that’s neither here nor there. They took the exact same manual of arms, meaning the same controls, the same cleaning methods, the same handling methods. And they made a squad automatic weapon out of basically the exact same platform with a couple of small tweaks. So I submit to you a question and you guys can email me your opinions on this.

3 (22m 23s):
What if you were to take the AR 15 platform and instead of having a 16 inch barrel on it, you put a 22, 23 inch heavy profile barrel on it. You put a short hand guard on it, right? You put the, when did you know, elevation, adjustable rear sight on it, along with a front site, you could go with an, a plus for the site, or depending on the type of handguard you might put on it. You could, you can do the flip up front and rear.

3 (23m 5s):
Okay. You could attach a bipod via Molly, not Molly unlock. You could attach a bi-pod via M lock, okay. Or a clamp. You can clamp one on, you know, there’s that option. You could attach all sorts of different flash hiders. Okay. You can also, instead of getting the normal AR 50 receiver, you could get a forged beefed up AR 15 eliminating, you know, the aluminum receiver, a forge beefed up version of it. Right. You could get the lawful, the law, a tactical folding rear stock for the lower M.

3 (23m 50s):
So in essence, you could build and RPK or N a R P K, right. You could build a, a, something akin to the RPK and have an AR 15. Basically you can get the Magpole 40 round magazine and get the five round, the five round on the floor plates. So it will be 45 rounds, just like the RPK. You could get the sure-fire 60 round magazines from the AR 15, just like BRP, K 74 RBK 74. Sorry. You could do all of these things to basically make an ARP.

3 (24m 34s):
K right. You could also get the binary trigger from FOS tech or Franklin armory or whoever, and you would have a higher level of firepower from your art, your ARP. K. So I submit that to you for your thoughts to see what everyone thinks of this. Now, some people may find this insane. Some people may think this is a good idea. Some people may think, ah, you know, that’s just a DMR, that’s a designated Marx women’s rifle with a couple of changes. Sure, sure. It is. Why not? You know, but depending on the way you make it, it could also be a lot of other things, too.

3 (25m 20s):
Right. So what if you were to just make the upper into this, right? And the lower remains a normal air, 15, if you need a squad, a squad suppression tool, if you need a squad, automatic rifle, you pop on this upper with your longer heavier barrel, you’re know a different sighting system, your bi-pod and so on. And you’ve got a way to really have some fun at a three gun match or whatever. Just, just, just the thought, like guys, just a thought, you know, you look at this doctrine and you think, okay, what if we were to take ours and do that now?

3 (26m 0s):
I think the only reason the military hasn’t done this yet, my personal opinion, the only reason the military hasn’t done this yet is because they have things like the M two 40 Bravo, the M two 49 squad, automatic weapon, or the M 27. I a R they already have these firearms. So they look at it and go, well, we don’t really need that. So we’re not going to bother in the building,

1 (26m 22s):
You know? And it’s just a thought

3 (26m 24s):
Exercise for you guys, something to roll around in your brain. Okay. All right.

1 (26m 29s):
So it’s a, it’s about 20 minutes in, so I’m going to take a quick break. Well, that’s about 25 minutes and then, well, let me, let me check the things you wouldn’t see how much you got. Okay. Okay. It’s almost 30 minutes in. So I’m going to take a quick break here and run a few, a couple of commercials, and then I’ll come back and we will talk about world war II. Irregular Warfare world war II interrogation. What they did with the secret police got a hold of them, the Nazi Gestapo. And we will go from there. You guys, all right, so don’t go away. I will be right back.

5 (27m 8s):
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5 (28m 35s):
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5 (29m 20s):
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0 (29m 44s):
And now we return to the gun metal armory.

1 (29m 49s):
Here we are back at the gun metal RA. All right. Y’all let’s talk about world war two Irregular Warfare lessons. All right. So during world war II, there were multiple clandestine agencies that operated behind enemy lines. All right, excuse me, one sec. Here, there were multiple clandestine agencies that operate in behind enemy lines. As there always have been, as there always will be. They operated behind enemy lines and the access countries. And of course, I’m sure there were some that operated behind enemy lines and the allied countries.

1 (30m 31s):
Now they were all based. The, these clandestine agencies that are famous were all based in the ally countries. Of course, they had the OSS in the USA. They have the SOE in the UK and Canada. There were OSS teams in Canada though, to, to be clear, of course these agencies, they taught multiple people, men, and women to fight behind enemy lines. They had multiple curriculums on Irregular Warfare explosives, ambushes, stealing vehicles, lockpicking M surreptitious entry, a burglary trapping animals and humans, firearms, silent weaponry claimed guests in communications, camouflage, concealment hand-to-hand combat informants, the lease methods and countermeasures propaganda code ciphers.

1 (31m 28s):
And of course my favorite edge tools like the famous fabric, Sykes dagger, or OSS dagger, right? We’ve talked about this. Now, there was a lot more that they were instructed in. And some of that is of course lost to history. But some of it, we probably shouldn’t talk about on here right now, if we were hanging out in person, of course, we could talk about whatever we want, but, you know, there are just certain things that we probably shouldn’t put on the airwaves that being said, let’s talk about Irregular Warfare and clandestine training that the individual folder was taught, or, you know, the underground group was taught.

1 (32m 15s):
Okay. During world war two, they were taught that an underground group should all should number no more than three to eight individuals. Now that may differ depending on how you want to build up a, a different type of group. It depends on how that type of group might operate so on and so forth. And we talk about these clandestine groups and how they would expand. Remember, a couple of shows ago, we talked about, you have a group of four individuals or three individuals, one guy in that group forms another group of three individuals.

1 (32m 56s):
And then one guy from that group group B forms, another group of three individuals, which is group C and then group C one guy in that group formed another group of however many individuals that’s group di and on and on it goes, okay, it doesn’t have to be three individuals. It could be eight, it could be 10, but they were instructed to have their underground group, their resistance, not number anymore than three to eight individuals. Why? Because three to eight individuals is a lot harder to track than 5,000 individuals, right?

1 (33m 37s):
So something to keep in mind, you know, surreptitious work re requires very few people. Okay. Now you have to do the actual work. Now M surreptitious work nowadays. I’m assuming requires a lot more, you know, you hear about, let’s say a special forces. You know, I’m not going to say any specific group, but those guys have Intel teams. They have boots on the ground, giving them, you know, onsite Intel. They’ve got analysts, they’ve got maps, guys. They’ve got weapons, sergeants, they’ve got transport teams.

1 (34m 17s):
They’ve, I mean, it just goes on and on and on. Right. And all of that’s to make sure that they succeed in their goal. Okay. But back in world war two, you didn’t need a lot of people to sabotage any access power asset. Okay. They would go after things like water treatment plants or power plants or enemy supply lines, or I don’t know, a troop transport, things like that, you know, back in world war II. And even back then they had anti material weaponry.

1 (34m 60s):
And of course, you know, anti material weaponry means it was weaponry just for taking out material, you know, material, radars, trucks, cars, you know, whatever, whatever. Right. M and of course, all weaponry basically at its at its base level is anti-personnel. So of course they had anti-personnel weapons. ’cause they’re all anti-personnel moving on. Let’s talk about Irregular Warfare and Interrogations okay. If the he’s a covert teams, if these Irregular Warfare teams, they’re three, the underground group, the three to eight individuals that they are captured by the Nazi Gestapo.

1 (35m 49s):
Okay. Let’s look at this. If they were captured by the Nazi Gestapo, what would they do? How would they handle this? Okay. Keep in mind each of these people, the teams, every group that operates in this manner, they always had a plan for an emergency. Okay. What do I mean by an emergency? Well, an emergency would be things like the Nazi Gestapo picking up one of the underground team members. Okay. So if you’ve got a group of three guys and one of them doesn’t come to the meeting and never shows up, you got to problems. Okay. Or even a team of eight guys.

1 (36m 29s):
Now you got seven. One guy never showed up. We got problems. We’ve got big, big problems, right? Another emergency, the Nazi Gestapo, receiving a parachutist that was sent to help that team. Okay. The Nazi Gestapo receiving an airdrop meant for the, a team of the resistance fighters. Okay. What are they going to do in a case like that? Can they get that? You know, the person’s in custody, can they get that person out of custody? Have they thought it through? Can that person that is in custody, can they hold out long enough for their team leader to gather the info, they need to get their friend out of custody.

1 (37m 15s):
Do they have the weaponry and the ammunition they need to get that person out of custody. Is that person going to survive their captivity? And if they don’t survive, how long does the rest of that group have before the Gestapo starts rounding them up as well? Right? These are emergencies. There’s the thoughts because frankly, any warrior knows and understands that that type of interrogation, the type that are used by non Geneva convention countries, you know, the groups, they know that it’s going to hurt. Okay. They know it’s gonna hurt a lot and, or they can only hold out for so long.

1 (37m 55s):
They even have protocols for how long, what info to give, how much info to give, what to give when it begins to hurt too much and so on. So these groups had to have a plan for an emergency. They even also have their L pills. And if you don’t know what those are, look it up. All right. So let’s talk about interrogation when these things would happen. So the general knowledge of the Interrogations stuff, it can be divided into three classes. Okay. Three types of interrogation, one type of interrogation is going to be done by a local police. Okay. Local police officers,

6 (38m 36s):
I guess it, to give you an idea of what local, local police might need. You know, like if you live in, I don’t know, let’s say Phoenix, Arizona, you know, the local police would obviously be the Phoenix police. Okay. Generally on account of infringement of minor regulations. That is when you’re going to be contacted by the local police. If you do something stupid, you know, jaywalking, speeding, whatever, you know, they’re going to, they’re going to talk to you if you do something minor. Okay. It is usually during world war two, usually they would confined the local police questioning to four simple questions.

6 (39m 27s):
What are you doing? What papers do you have? Where do you come from? And the big one who are you? So they will be, you train the other guy’s in the OSS. May I say a week, they would train them to basically immediately after landing from parachuting or however they got there, you know, a submarine, a carrier, pigeon, whatever, you know, it really structured prison, but whatever, they should be prepared to answer those questions. And with actual accuracy, you have to be able to answer the plausibly.

6 (40m 8s):
Okay. That wasn’t, they trained their guys to know, okay. They also train them to be able to answer, of course the, who are you? You know, how did you get here? You don’t like where you come from. Right. How did you get here? Where did you come from? Where are you going? That’s another big one. Where are you going? Can they still ask that now? Where’d you come from? Where are you going? Can I see your license and registration, the war back then? Where are your papers? Right. So another question that they would ask that they would train their guys to know how to answer right.

6 (40m 50s):
In a way who is, and where is the last person you spoke to? Who, you know, personally, who is, and where is the last person you spoke to that, you know, personally. Right. And they would ask, and they were, they would train the guys to know details on the locality. So M, you know, if you live in, let’s say, you know, I don’t know, Tyler, Texas, you might, I know that there is a Walgreens on a specific street, or if you live in Phoenix, Arizona, you know, or, or Glendale or so you might know that there is a Fry’s food, you know, food store on a certain street.

6 (41m 40s):
Right. So you’re going to know that locality, if you live there, even if they don’t recognize you, you’re still going to know that area. All right. And you needed to be prepared to answer those questions. That’s what they trained their guys to do. All right. Moving on. They would train them that basically, if they were able to be able to satisfy in the police with those questions, you know, if they were able to give satisfactory answers, they would generally be released. You know, the agent would generally be released if there was any suspicious information, however, they would generally make them, you know, they will generally chair gave them further.

6 (42m 28s):
Okay. And that further interrogation would be done by what they would sometimes call specialist police. Okay. In our day and age specialist police, I’m sure you can probably figure out who these people might be. Right. Any of those alphabet agencies, any of those three-letter people, you know, two letter for letter a, who knows. Right. But I’m sure we can all figure out who the specialist police would be in our day and age. So what that would look like would be to find out whether a person is a suspect or not, you know, and that would happen because they, the agent that landed there or got there somehow they made the local police a suspicious.

6 (43m 24s):
All right. And that was, they made them suspicious during their preliminary Interrogations M they will need, they will, would’ve needed to satisfy the police, that their story and their papers were actually real. Right. They know where they’re coming from. They know who they are. They know where they been. They know that the locality so on and so forth. Right. M but the specialist police there going to have to go through it again with them, the Interrogations is going to be the same thing over again. Okay. All of the things that they save, the entire story is going to be checked by the specialist police there going to check every single thing that agent says.

6 (44m 12s):
Right. They also say that attempts maybe made to catch him I’m in a lie by producing facts that he thinks the Gestapo doesn’t know about. All right. So that’s something to consider. Now, if he still, if the agent or agents still can’t satisfy the specialist police, they bring in, or they would bring in the Gestapo, the specialists of the specialists, right?

6 (44m 53s):
The, the, the really messed up guys M there and bringing those guys or an equivalent group, this would be after the arrest M this will be four and eight. And then someone had seriously suspected being a spy or an agent or whatever. Okay. Basically it’s because they did not satisfy the local police and they did not satisfy the specialist police with their story. Right. That’s when the Gestapo comes in, you know, all right. The previous Interrogations, they’re going to start to ramp up in there, going to go from local police with questions.

6 (45m 39s):
Do you specialists, police with harder questions and louder questions and maybe a little roughing up to you and the Gestapo wear all sorts of fun. Things can happen. The Gestapo Interrogations can last from 24 hours to many months, they say methods M methods are vast. There’s tons of different ways. And they can try to get you to talk or the agent, whether you are on your note from an agent, the methods they would use to get the agents of world war II to talk, there were lots of them, but what they wanted was one specific thing back then, and that was to extract a confession.

6 (46m 33s):
They had no rules. They were all in, nothing was barred. Everything was on the table. Sound familiar. So let’s talk about interrogation methods. We still got a little while here before the interrogation, exhaustive inquiries will be made about the agent’s life and their activities. Why? Because they’re trying to collect as much evidence as possible before the actual interrogation begins.

6 (47m 14s):
Hence all of the, where are you where you come from? What kind of papers do you have? What are you doing here? Where are you going? Who was the last person who you spoke to? Who do you know, and do you know anything about the city? So on and so forth, there were also two types of arrests and you will see a very similar thing happened. Currently there is be sudden and violent arrest at the midnight at midnight, or, you know, and the wee hours in the morning, you know, when people are at their groggy, a just, you know, giving a really between two and 4:00 AM, that is when most sudden and violent arrests happen because most people are asleep at that point.

6 (48m 5s):
And of course, you know, the human body is wanting to rest at that point. That is why that happens. And to take you way, way, way, way, way back. Clandestine groups have always operated in those hours of the night, you know, generally between 12 and four, but there were certain groups that would only operate between a two and four. So it’s something to keep in mind. That was one type of rest, the sun and the violin in the middle of the night. Then there’s the other type of arrest, which may also sound familiar with some of you. I really hope it doesn’t, but some of you may sound familiar.

6 (48m 49s):
It is a sudden, but polite arrests on the pretext of some minor inquiries, you know? Oh, can you come down and clear up these parking tickets? Can you come down here and tell me about the dis permit? Yeah. We just need you to sign this piece of paper. No big deal. Basically, once they got you down there, it ends up being indefinite detention. And what this does is it prevents the agent from warning his associates, right? So that can happen. Those are two different types of arrests that they would look out for.

6 (49m 34s):
Something else they would do is a extremely exhaustive house search from where they’re, where the agent was and a extremely exhaustive search of the agent of their person, right? The way that they’re treated when they’re detained is all part of it, right? The interrogation plan, it seems like a bad food and good food alternately, right? Solitary confinement, or a lot of freedom. You may get, they may get promised visits from family or friends.

6 (50m 19s):
Let’s see alternating, comfort and discomfort. Like they may have a pillow and blanket and then they’ll have nothing. They have clothing and then they’ll have nothing. All this stuff is to basically break them around. Okay. Before they actually get questioned, this is what they’re trying to do that Asian. All right. During the actual interrogation, here are some of the techniques that they not to get stopped, but you would use, they would have the prisoner by then. They’re a prisoner. They’d have the prisoner facing a really bright light.

6 (51m 3s):
I’m sure you got to the scene that in lots and lots of movies, they wouldn’t be able to see their interrogator very well. The prisoner or the agent may have their back to the interrogator with their arms over their head. Or maybe not. Maybe their arms would be behind their back or whatever the prisoner or the agent would be seated in basically in an uncomfortable chair, which that’s something they still used to this day. And same with the light. That’s still used to this day. They’re not allowed to eat or smoke or Dreek or any of these things that most people wouldn’t want to do.

6 (51m 46s):
However, and this is something you still seeing to this day, their interrogator would do all of these things. Now I have a drink right in front of them to have a cigarette. Oh, you must get right. And I can’t get you one. Sorry. You wanted a drink. Just tell me where you were. I’ll give you a bottle of water. I don’t care someone where you work, you know, so on and so forth right now. They also say that a, an interrogation of a single agent or, or a prisoner may continue indefinitely. And the reason why it just keeps going, you know, and they’ll keep switching out interrogators. The reason why I keep scrolling is some of the agent becomes exhausted and confused all a part of it.

6 (52m 34s):
They don’t even have to lay hand on it if they can keep them exhausted. All right. Like I was just saying, the interrogation may be done by two or more people acting simultaneously. All right. Usually they’re going to go right after one after the other. And you know, there is not going to be a break in between. So this next part, they talk about the types of material Gators. And this comes back to the good cop, bad cop. You know, M game theory. We all know about this stuff by now.

6 (53m 14s):
Usually you’re going to have the initial interrogator, which is going to be the, you know, the juror, the bad cop, you know, the bully. And this guy is going to try to make that agent scared or mad or whatever. And this first interrogator is going to tell them all about the main thing that they Gestapo can do. You can do to that. You know, the secret police can do it. You can tell them all about these, mean things they can do. Right. I’m going to threaten them there, going to throw things are gonna break things so on and so forth. Then you’ve got the, the second interrogator type this guy is going to, or girl is going to, they’re going to ask them specific questions and that so they can trip them up.

6 (54m 6s):
Okay, they’re going to ask specific questions. And if they don’t get the answers they want, they may maybe beat up that president was a little bit, or they may be up that agent or a little bit. Okay. It’s all part of it. It’s all part of it. Okay. Then you’ve got the third type of interrogator, the good cop, right? They’re nice. They offer them food, you know, something to drink cigarettes a day and age. Maybe it’s the vape, you know, and this right, this person sometimes would even be a woman.

6 (54m 48s):
The third interrogator would come in and do the motherly thing, taking care of them, bandaging their wounds, telling them they’re sorry for the other guys that were so rough with him and yelled at them to beat them up. I’m so sorry. Okay. They will generally try to coax that agent or that prisoner into not thinking clearly, Oh, I can trust this person. That’s a game of trust. Okay. This type of interrogator. And they say the training is generally going to be the most dangerous type. May not seem like it, but they are the most dangerous type of interrogator.

6 (55m 33s):
Next we’re going to get into the tricks of questioning. How do they try to trick you? We’ve got a few minutes left. So I’m going to get through these as fast as I can. And then next week we’ll get into countermeasures before interrogation during the interrogation, what can we do? What would a world war II agent do during questioning? Right? If we were in world war II, what could we do? So let’s talk about the tricks of questioning by the Nazi Gestapo, a long silence in which the interrogator appears to forget the prisoner.

6 (56m 18s):
This is intended to make the prisoner start talking, you know, and they’re gone so they can talk, right? Another way the guard or the interrogator rather will tell the prisoner of the agent. Not to say anything when they ask them the question. And they’ll say, don’t, don’t answer yet. Just think about it. Try to remember what happened properly and then tell us the truth. Just don’t say anything yet. Let me ask my question and then telling the truth. After you thought about it, you said you were going to the movies, right?

6 (56m 58s):
No. I said I saw a movie. Okay. Okay. You saw the movie. Okay. So we established that you were on the street and we established that you were going to see a movie at the movie theater? No, I said I saw a movie at the movie theater. Okay. Right, right, right. You saw the movie or TV or you saw a 101 Dalmatians. Okay. All right. So we’ve established that you were on the street and you were going to go see a movie that night, right? You were going to go see the movie, right? No. I said, I went and saw a movie, not I was going to go see a movie.

6 (57m 41s):
I said, I saw a movie. Oh, I thought you said you were going to see a movie. You’re going to go see that 101 Dalmatians movie, right? No. I said, I already saw that movie. My bad, my bad. I must have heard you wrong. Okay. Okay. So we’ve established that you went and you saw that movie during the day? No. I said, I went and saw that movie at night. You see how it works? They just keep asking that same question in different ways and twisting those little tiny facts.

6 (58m 21s):
Right? Interesting. Isn’t it. So back to what we were talking about, they would tell them not to answer, to tend to just think about it and try to remember what happened and then tell them the truth. Interesting. They would continually refer back to the same question with a different method of approach. Continually refer back to the same question, with a different method of approach. They would reconstruct a reconstruction of an offense exaggerating the agent’s share in it.

6 (59m 7s):
Right. So, Oh, you were speeding in your vehicle, your 1941 Ford. You were speeding and you hit someone. No, I was speeding. Okay. You were speeding, but you were going, you know, 20 miles an hour and the speed limit. No, I was going five miles an hour speed limit. No, I’m pretty sure you were going 20 miles an hour on the speed limit. And then you hit someone or you almost hit someone didn’t you write? No, I didn’t say that. I’m pretty sure you said you almost hit someone. Don’t answer. Just think about it and try to remember what happened and then tell us the truth.

6 (59m 52s):
Right? Think about it. Next thing they would do. Reconstruction of events, buy the interrogator who gives half the circumstances in great detail later, the prisoner is ordered to repeat what he was told. So you went and saw a movie, right? Yes. I went and saw the movie. You went and saw a 101 Dalmations right, right. And went and saw a 101 Dalmatians. And you went and saw that during the day. Right?

6 (1h 0m 36s):
Right. I thought, no, no. I went and saw it. And I know you went and saw during the day, right? No, no. I wouldn’t saw it at night. No, no, no. You told me you went and saw during the day. Right? So later the prisoner’s ordered to repeat what he’s been told. If he was in fact present, when the events took place, he may easily include details, which were not given by the interrogator. For example, you went in, saw a movie, that Knight and you went and saw a 101 Dalmatians.

6 (1h 1m 18s):
Yes. I went and saw that movie that night with my friend, Bob. We saw a 101 Dalmatians right after we went and got dinner at pizza hut. Whoa, wait a minute here. Hold on. We got more details going on. Oh no. I didn’t say any more details. Yeah, you did. You said you went with your friend Bob and you said you had pizza. Right? So the next thing suggesting that prisoners have been let down by their friends or they are protecting someone, you guys probably see this in movies a lot. Who are you protecting? Who are you hiding? What are you hiding?

6 (1h 1m 59s):
Right. Your friends are not coming to get you to forget about it. Right? You guys have heard all this. And the next thing, showing a prisoner, a confession signed by their friend, you know, during world war II, they get stopped. Bows, sweep up a whole bunch of agents at the same time, all in the same resistance group. And they might have their, you know, colleagues signed a confession or they will sign a fake confession saying it was from one of their colleagues. It doesn’t matter. They’re they’re confined. They’ve been in there for days. How do they know they didn’t sweep up Bob? Right? You know, or maybe they swept up Corella Deville from the 101 dilations. Just kidding. Okay.

6 (1h 2m 41s):
Next thing. Firing squad could be used as a bluff. They might make threats to that. Person’s family. They might use other things to soften up or break the prisoner’s willpower. So on and so forth. Okay. And one, the last thing the baby might do, they might give them the prisoner, a confession to sign after days and days and days of interrogation. So they don’t even know what they’re signing at that point. They’re so exhausted. They have no idea what they’re signing. They don’t know what they’re saying. This is a common method that they use to use in world war two.

6 (1h 3m 26s):
And I say common method. Yes. It’s a common method, EDU. And that’s pretty much about it. That’s all I can do for today. You guys, next week, we are going to continue to talk about the police methods a more and more to the countermeasures that can be used. Like I said, we will talk about what to do before interrogation during the interrogation a we will talk about possibly, you know, the agents during world war II that were behind enemy lines, how they built, they’re a little networks, so on and so forth.

6 (1h 4m 6s):
Okay. So we will come back to all of that next week. We we’ll talk more about Irregular Warfare and clandestine Warfare join us next time. We will talk more about all of this good stuff. Thank you everyone. Thank you for being with us tonight. I hope you guys enjoyed the show. Join us next time. As we travel deeper inside the clean destined Warfare room of the gun metal Arbery United everybody. And God bless.

0 (1h 4m 39s):
Thank you for joining us. We’ll see you next time on the gun metal armory. Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network where we promote self-reliance Independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at Prepper Broadcasting dot com.


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