The Survival Grill

The Survival Grill

April 30, 2016 cooking I Am Liberty Recipes Survival Items 0

The Survival Grill
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

survival grillDon’t underestimate just how devastating a tool your grill can be both in a preparedness situation and in the betterment of your current life. The fact is most people don’t know how to utilize their grill. It could be a lack of understanding of heat or the fact that you are pumping gas fueled flames over your food. If you have the right type of grill you can do some really great things. The key however is having the right grill. I will tell you off the bat if you are reliant on propane than you are already behind the eight ball.

Survival GrillIf you have a good solid bodied, cast iron grill that burns charcoal than you can do so much more than just cook burgers and dogs. This vessel can become a renewable cooking resource. It takes learning how to create your own charcoal and we are going to talk about that.

survival grillThe fact is with a basic understanding of heat in a grill you can grill, bake, smoke, sear, roast, stew all inside your grill. Some good cast iron cookware would help for this as well. One of my favorite things to make each are a few big slabs of cured, smoked bacon. I don’t own a smoker. I smoke them directly on my grill. Its such a weapon if you look at it as more than just your steak cooker.

survival-grillI want to talk about grilling. What do you grill? What cool techniques do you apply in the use of your grill? I want to talk about managing heat and understanding how to do this on a grill. Tonight is a night to discuss food and the versatility of a good quality cast iron grill. It will be a great show with some other great topics as well. Don’t miss this special episode of I AM Liberty.
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