Skill Work and Survival Packs
Skill Work and Survival Packs
James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below!
After a deep wilderness excursion, I have a lot to reflect on and a lot to consider. There are skills that deserve more of my attention and others that I feel like I have gotten sewn into my being. Trips into the wilderness are crucial to getting a real read about what you think you are capable of. In fact, these trips are priceless to those of us who have a real desire to improve. You might assume that you have reached a level of proficiency but if you are not tested you just cannot prove efficiency.
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Most important is when you face the uncomfortable feeling of failure. This happened to me when I scraped the innards of some fatty pine out onto a rock and planned on using it as a starter. I was sure it would catch with some help from my ferro rod, but I was disappointed to find that it did not. That taught me two things, I need more work on fire starting with varied materials and I need a better ferro rod. These are important things to consider.
The mountains were beautiful and I spent much of my day on the Bullpasture River trying to bring up something for lunch. I got lucky and landed a fat brown trout on a healthy minnow imitation. From there the day just got better. On this show I want to talk about skill work and some of the things in my survival pack that I often take for granted.
I am also getting ready to buy a new pack and I think I am going to go a direction that may even surprise me. I would also like to discuss that on the show as well. We are going to have a very survival minded show on this episode of I AM Liberty.
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I Am Liberty Packs skill Skill Work and Survival Packs survival Survival Packs work