Gadgets & Gear needed to survive!

Gadgets & Gear needed to survive!

August 1, 2017 supplies Survival Items Tech Preps 0

Gadgets & Gear needed to survive!
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio player provided!

Gadgets & Gear needed to surviveIn the event of something happening, what gadgets & gear do you have? What do you think you need? I will go over some of the items that we should consider for survival for convenience, or just for comfort. A lot of what we do store is really not a necessity. I think we want our cake and want to eat it to, which is human, but we have to have a different mindset. Some of the niceties might not be an option.

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I think many of us have a big misunderstanding of what exactly survival will entail. As in previous shows I have said this “it is not all peaches and cream” meaning we watch these television shows on survival and say yeah I can do that. Hold your horses I say, not such an easy task. Hopefully I will give you a hint on what you should be carrying if you’re not already.

We talk about gear that you should have with you, more tactical wallets, and if you know me I am all about redundancy. I like carrying stuff that has multiple purposes, many will load their packs down with stuff that build up and build up until we cannot make it out the door. I think if we have multiple things that can serve as many things that will reduce your weight, a 50lb pack is hard to carry. Some of the items I will talk about might be unconventional and you may not have heard of some, but again prepping is has its unknown variables.

I think we all need to stop getting our information from some of the shows. I have grown to dislike some of these reality shows on survival; it will really get people hurt. For survival you need only a few simple things, what are they? Listen to the show and find out! Enjoy the show!

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