Ebbs joins Mr. Smith, more on guns and archery!

Ebbs joins Mr. Smith, more on guns and archery!

April 14, 2012 Archery Guns Survival Items 0

Put bullet in gun, aim, and fire. Yep, you now know what I know. Actually I know just a bit more having grown up an avid hunter but much of this information, just a little over my head. For many in chat and many preppers as well this was a hot topic. Guns should be a part of anybody’s awareness program for self defense and putting a little meat on the table. What about archery? Well, last nights show should have been scheduled with a little more time allowing for that topic. With only ten minutes left in the show there was some discussion on archery and a couple of good questions fielded by the host and guest. We got a promise of another show coming soon devoted to archery. This I am looking forward to as I believe it also should be a part of any preppers knowledge and equipment. All in all some good information. Listen to this show in player below.

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