Alien Gear $150 Holster Giveaway

Alien Gear $150 Holster Giveaway

July 16, 2018 guns Survival Items 0

Alien Gear $150 Holster Giveaway

Alien Gear $150 Holster GiveawayGun rights have been in the news a lot lately. It might be something that is on your mind, as well. There is an undeniable vulnerability that goes away when you have a gun at your side or when you have a gun in your safe that you are trained to use. This is such an important part of being American.

As I mention on the I AM Liberty Show, politicians and pressure groups are always after our gun rights. This is because they believe in a world where guns don’t exist and gone with them is all violent crime. They have turned a blind eye to the thousands of years of violent and heinous crimes that make up our history.

On June 3rd 2017 a 7.5 Renault van was smashed into pedestrians on the London Bridge. Had the attack ended here it may not have had such an affect on me. Instead, the Muslim invaders, that England opened their arms to, got out of the van and started to slash people with ceramic knives and kitchen knives. Three people were killed by the ramming truck but 5 were killed with knives.

The Londoners were exploited by knife attack because they are not allowed to carry guns. They were as helpless as lambs to the slaughter.

In that moment I swore that I would never be cornered by some monster with a knife. I would never watch as my family cowered in fear from three men with knives. I put a 9mm on my hip and have carried it ever since.
The first holster I bought was an Alien Gear.

I want to hear about the reason you want to carry or do carry, your beliefs in second Amendment rights or something else about the importance of self-defense. Make it fun, deep, witty or informative. Make it something that is great to read.

There is no minimum word count or anything like that. Just sit down and write. Enjoy it.
Send your entry to

Also, let me know if you would or would not want your entry read on air. I am sure there are going to be some great ones! Get to it!


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