10 Comfort items you’ll wish you had!

10 Comfort items you’ll wish you had!

October 20, 2015 Articles Emergency Planning Survival Items 0
10 Comfort items you’ll wish you had!

10 Comfort items you'll wish you had!The following 10 items are not just a wise idea to think about for that emergency kit but also for that weekend camping trip or that visit to the relatives for a weekend. Can you count the number of times when upon reaching you destination you realized what it was you had forgotten? Maybe you will see that item in this list or other items in this list you may want to add to yours.

While not exactly edible, having these ten comfort items will make everyday life more comfortable, whatever your emergency, wherever you are.

  1. Deodorant/anti-perspirant. Picture this. You’ve been in your bunker for three weeks. Sponge baths are a rare treat. Then you remember your stash of Secret anti-perspirant. Ahhhh….. instant morale booster, especially if shared.
  2. Feminine products. Aunt Flo doesn’t stop her visits for something as trivial as a nuclear war. A six month’s stash, especially o.b. brand, won’t take up much room, and will greatly improve your quality of life.
  3. Small items for entertainment. Choose multi-use toys and games. Playing cards or Play-Dough, for example. Include a lengthy, multi-chapter book for yourself but family-friendly enough to serve as a read-aloud.
  4. Bar soap. In a pinch it can be used for shampoo and even laundry.
  5. Zip-Locs of all sizes. These can’t be beat for everything from a tooth for the Tooth Fairy to containing nuclear waste, aka dirty diapers.
  6. Rope for a clothesline and clothes pins. Air-dried laundry smells and feels so clean and crisp. It may become your preferred method of drying, even after the electricity comes on, and of course there’s the added benefit of being oh-so-Green!
  7. A pack of never-before-opened underwear for each family member. Enough said.
  8. Battery-powered CD player & CDs. There’s just something about beautiful music for defusing tension and calming nerves.
  9. Tylenol PM. Seriously. Do you really want to be 100% conscious wrapped up in your silver emergency blanket, huddled in the back seat of your mini-van?
  10. Toilet paper. But you knew I was going to say that, didn’t you??

Preparing for natural disasters, nuclear war, or a complete societal breakdown, doesn’t mean we have to lose our sense of humor. In fact, your sense of humor should be #1 on this list! Don’t ever hunker down in your bunker without your comfort items!

Original article on comfort items posted on APN


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