Survival Groups: Who’s In Who’s Out

Survival Groups: Who’s In Who’s Out

April 7, 2018 groups Survival 0

Survival Groups: Who’s In Who’s Out
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below!

Survival Groups: Who’s In Who’s OutOn this episode of Reality Check we discuss what skills and trades you might want in your group. Every survival group always thinks there are a few people with skills that are shoo-ins. Everyone says they want a blacksmith, a doctor, an herbalist, and usually someone who can reload ammunition. Those are great skills to have, but what about a veterinarian, a pharmacist, or a dental assistant? What if I told you it is better to have a nurse, EMT, paramedic, veterinarian, or better still a combat medic than to have a doctor or a surgeon? What if I said that it is better to have someone who is dental assistant rather than having a certified dentist?

Listen to this broadcast or download “Survival Groups: Who’s In Who’s Out” in this player!

In this show we will be will be talking about the reasons you might want to include people like vets and farmers that know animal husbandry, a chef or at least someone who can really cook, a drug company representative, a midwife, someone who can tan and prepare leather, a teacher or daycare worker, and even electrical and telecommunications engineers.

Often we think that doctors, dentist, and top-level professional are the skills and people we need. Why chose someone lower do you ask…one word, arrogance. Top-level professionals have the tendency to be arrogant and have the ‘not my job’ or ‘that’s beneath me’ mentality and that will not work during SHTF. You need people that know medicine, know dentistry, know animal husbandry, know how to cook and clean, and don’t mind getting dirty. A CNA or LPN will be more willing to clean your wounds and your hind end than a doctor will be. A pharmacist has more knowledge about drug interactions than a doctor or a surgeon would have. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians would know not to give a certain medication to members of the survival group.

In SHTF, a total care person will be worth more because they are used to working in the ditches and don’t mind it. Curious to learn more about who to include and leave out? Then listen in player above!

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