Groups Vs. Loan Wolf Survival

Groups Vs. Loan Wolf Survival

August 1, 2016 groups Herbal Prepper Survival 1

Groups Vs. Loan Wolf Survival
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

Groups Vs. Loan Wolf SurvivalWhat’s your prepping style? Do you long for a small, close-knit prepping community where members are committed to supporting each other during tough times and security threats? Or, are you looking to steer clear of other people, and rely on seclusion and supplies to ride out the storm?

Both options have their pros and cons, and there isn’t a single, blanket answer that will be right for everyone. However, the question of whether to seek safety in numbers or to give it a go solo is one that every prepper should give some hard examination.

7-31-16 Woman alone hikingOn tonight’s episode of Herbal Prepper Live, I will be joined by my friend and colleague, the ever-informative Chuck Hudson. We are going to cover about the ins and outs of both forming a group and meeting the challenges of going it alone.

7-31-16 people hiking winterIf you think the answer is easy and clear cut, think again. How do you find quality people for a group? How are disputes handled? Is the group run by consensus or is there a leader? What happens if someone isn’t pulling their weight? What if you are solo and need to secure your location? Is that level of self-sufficiency possible where you do not need the help of others to secure your food and water? What about medicine? How is that allocated? Will there be group purchases of supplies or land, and how will that be allocated?

I have my opinions on the matter, but what may be best for me may not be the best for you. Only you can decide which is the best option for you, your family, and your individual circumstances and skills set. However, if you haven’t started exploring this question, you need to start ASAP. Otherwise, you may find that choice is made for you, for better or worse.
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One Response

  1. Denny says:

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