Preparedness and Survival, inherent trait or learned?

Preparedness and Survival, inherent trait or learned?

April 3, 2018 Mind Set Preparedness Survival 0

Preparedness and Survival, inherent trait or learned?
Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided below!

Preparedness and Survival, inherent trait or learned?For many in the prepared world it is basic knowledge or at least presumed that in order to survive we must prepare. How one goes about this preparedness issue is personal to each, some focusing on one particular path at a time but with the ultimate goal to be prepared for what ever comes our way. But are preparedness and will to survive the same thing?

Listen to this broadcast or download “Preparedness and Survival, inherent trait or learned?” in this player!

It is a fact and easy to see that one increases the odds of the other but are they necessary to each other. More importantly are these just traits we inherit or knowledge and ability we can learn, or both? We see tales all the time of someone facing an incredible challenge including injury and they battle through it and survive many times even thrive through the event and throughout their life, but we also see someone else faced with the same challenge and they succumb to it and perhaps even die. How much of what they did to thrive or die was based on learned knowledge or the lack there of and in the same vain how much was just inborn.

It’s a big topic, and there are several avenues of thought and belief. In all walks of life the will to survive is often what tips the scales against all odds, are you born with it and if you aren’t can you do anything to develop it? Join A Preppers Path this Tuesday at noon Pacific Standard Time as we travel down the road of survival and preparedness, is it inherent or taught?

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